Jul 07, 2010 11:34
I am sitting and writing in my house, which is freezing, wearing an army parka over long underwear, clothes, scarves, and it is still too cold. I should just condense all operations into one room where I can shut the door and turn up the space heater, but this is hard to do as I am trying to pack to move. The air freight people were meant to pick up my stuff today, well, they were meant to last friday, but both times I wasn't ready. I'm having a super hard time and the cold, the kind of cold that makes a person just want to sit still huddling in front of the heater, does not help. It takes me about 3x longer than anyone to get anything done, and I feel out of sorts about that. Ok, almost there, just have to dissect my futon mattress into recombinable sub-sections, like slicing a sushi roll before rolling it up, in order to sneak it onto the air freight shipment. (the first woman I spoke to at the company said "no problem", the driver said "no furniture", then relented, they would take flat-pack.) I don't know what to do with the slats, maybe try to list them on freecycle, because the bedslat market on ebay is pretty flat. flat slats. People here sell and buy beds and bed-parts in complete sets, like the mattress, base, and slats all together. The thought of sleeping on a used bed just makes me squirm with horror, a legitimate horror of bedbugs and a symbolic eeeeeew of being in close, repeated contact with something that has been in such intimate association with another person(s) and or series of person's bodies, like buying used underwear.
One thing I won't miss is the superslow internet. Things like hotmail can take minutes to open, so to add slowness to sloth that's why I haven't posted all that much recently, although I have plans, real, exciting plans, to describe at some point.