Jan 23, 2002 01:00
I went to the coffee shop today read my book and had a cup of coffee , but this little blonde that worked there got a phone call and I think it made her sad , she hung up the phone and went to the back I think she was crying .I wanted to know what was wrong , I wanted to help her . I just didn't want her to cry ! It made me sad .
I went to the higher shelf today and got a new stone and some incense , I got the stone for courage (blood stone) cause I was on my way to my dad's house to tell him I am getting married. Well I did tell him , did he take it well ... let's just say he didn't blow up or make me cry , and he did say bye when I left....yeah it went pretty well . Better than I expected! when I was in the higher shelf I was looking at stones for the right one and I stepped on something and looked down , and here is this little ruff piece of crystal . I guess it had fallen or something I asked the woman where it went and what it was she told me and said that I could have it since it wanted to go home with me so bad! they say some of the best crystals you can use in a spell are the ones you find or the ones that find you ! good night world and remember to wish on stars and fall in love whenever you can . night stacia and sommer!