May 14, 2012 12:02
- Sun, 13:58: RT @ wasascended: Me and Jethro made Jenny breakfast...kind of. Maybe lunch will go better.
- Sun, 15:00: RT @ TheClarkeBanks: A donation made in your honor to Happy Mother's Day! @ __vivelareine
- Sun, 18:24: // heading home!
- Sun, 19:56: RT @ cr0sstheline: Cross the line if you or someone you know has ever had a miscarriage.
- Sun, 21:55: RT @ ComedyOrFact: RT if you have less than 2k followers. Just follow @ autocorrects and watch your follower count rise. No joke.
- Sun, 22:38: I was convinced it was midnight.
- Sun, 22:40: RT @ theramblingson: For Mom
- Sun, 22:51: Character re-introduction
- Mon, 10:49: Apparently Obama is in town.
- Mon, 11:55: I shouldn't need a nap already.