Sun, 16:35: RT @ NCISpain: In spain “Gibbs“ is TT. But its not for our Gibbs u.U
Sun, 20:25: // Think I needa stick w/@ LiveJournal RP. People there are at least legal in several countries&have more than an elementary grasp of English
Sun, 20:49: Nothing worse than cold chicken. Is it too late for coffee?
Sun, 21:20: Concord, MA banned plastic water bottles. How does that happen when the country won't ban ASSAULT RIFLES?!
Mon, 04:10: I need new pictures for Jaime. She's 21 weeks old already.
Mon, 04:18: And next time @ Bossman_Gibbs is on, I'll tell him to follow you, too @ laurenweblin. He's not on twitter very often, though. You know Gibbs