Jan 06, 2013 12:03
Sat, 14:50 : Flu shot: done. Sat, 14:55 : RT @ TeaPartyCat : #LowInformationVoterThoughts "Medical review boards are really death panels." Sat, 16:29 : When real life calls, it sounds like "MOOOOOOOM!!!!" Sat, 17:46 : Buffalo has never been more satisfying. Sat, 18:43 : My chat with a Facebook scammer… http://t.co/0ABFGbJj Sat, 19:20 : This made me think of @ laurenweblin http://t.co/7Lgl20CY Sat, 19:35 : I don't want to spend a fortune on Petit Canard's crib. Sat, 19:45 : And I want to get Jaime and Daniel some things. Sat, 22:08 : RT @ YouAnnoyUsRPers : When people are so OOC with their playing that you want to smack them across the face for ruining your favorite fic ... Sat, 23:12 : RT @ laurenweblin : My baby is gone forever!!!! :'( http://t.co/cMPTq2nV Sun, 01:22 : Designated Baby Update… http://t.co/pLwxTz9Z Sun, 02:18 : Though I don't think I can justify spending THAT much. Sun, 02:35 : Looking at my Facebook page, it's safe to say I tweet a lot about crap. Sun, 02:59 : I tweet because the world needs to know what I had for breakfast. Sun, 03:02 : I just want to scream at every radical Republican who thinks they have a Constitutional right to assault weapons. NO YOU DON'T! Sun, 03:02 : If we're going to get specific about what kind of guns, you have a right to a MUSKET. Sun, 03:07 : Four legged counselors provide comfort to Sandy Hook survivors http://t.co/e27bpwu3 Sun, 03:20 : Check out this product on http://t.co/A0nvGZoB . Mia Chandelier http://t.co/7JlPgTOf via @ Pottery Barn Kids Sun, 03:40 : Finally wanting to crash. Good night. Sun, 05:02 : Your honest participation in a discussion with close friends o... More for Libra http://t.co/ZwsdwBfV