charloft [Saturday] Family

Aug 31, 2011 02:03

The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.

"I wouldn't have asked unless--"  Her eyes are closed, breaths are short.

"I know, Jen," soft words.  Her forehead brushes against your cheek.  She's burning up.  It feels like the flu, she said.  Only it isn't.

"Jethro, one of these days, someone unsavory is going to take advantage of your generous door-locking policy." Without missing a beat, "Though I suppose for someone like you, that wouldn't be a problem."  The sight on the couch stops him short, "Dear God."

"Hey Duck.  Found this in the desert."

"Hi, Ducky," she opens her eyes and doesn't move from your shoulder and you can hear her smile.

[Words 104]

[verse] new york bound, [prompt] charloft, [plot] new york bound, [fic] person: second, [post] where: charloft, [post] fic: drabble, [with] jethro gibbs, [with] ducky

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