Nov 23, 2004 03:39
good christ! i am still doing this fucking slipe of a project about humans' natural sex patterns. sigh, at least i have gleaned one good thing from it thus far.
have you ever heard of the term "baker's dozen"? well it's 13 instead of the standard 12 because a true baker always bakes 13 to leave room for mistakes within the batch.
well, i don't know if the world is ready for it, but thanks to my research, i've learned that a single human ejaculation releases 250 MILLION spermies, therefore, i would like to christen for the world, the term "ejaculator's dozen" for the use of describing anything that comes in quantities of 250 million.
i will now use it in a vignette to help encourage its seamless integration into the fabric of your own personal parlance:
TOM: "I want to buy my grandmother some new dentures for christmas, but man, those suckers are expensive!"
JILL: "Yeah, but they are much cheaper if you buy them in bulk."
TOM: "Brilliant! How bulk is bulk?"
JILL: "Well, I purchase my dentures by the ejaculators' dozen."