this entry is to forever dispel any rum0rz that might be circulating about me being wholey un-hip. suck my eyeballs. me and emily comin' out boyeee!
Rap battle
applejuiced (11:43:19 PM): let's have a rap off
applejuiced (11:43:20 PM): !!!!!!!!!!
applejuiced (11:43:25 PM): i'll kill you
applejuiced (11:43:25 PM): son
emilyfun (11:43:51 PM): i am bad at rappin
emilyfun (11:43:55 PM): i just can't make it happen
emilyfun (11:44:03 PM): but there i just did
emilyfun (11:44:06 PM): i'm the comeback kid
applejuiced (11:44:09 PM): keep up the rhythym and i be clappin
emilyfun (11:44:15 PM): hahahahha
emilyfun (11:44:24 PM): my name is mc menses and my flow be fresh
emilyfun (11:44:28 PM): (ok i stole that one)
applejuiced (11:44:33 PM): menses?
applejuiced (11:44:36 PM): like menstral?
applejuiced (11:44:39 PM): wooooo
applejuiced (11:44:44 PM): you dont have to tell me when you steal stuff, i wont know
emilyfun (11:45:29 PM): mmhmm
emilyfun (11:45:35 PM): hahaha i know but that's why i have to do it
applejuiced (11:45:38 PM): dude im comin out right now
applejuiced (11:45:40 PM): with a sweet sweet flow
emilyfun (11:45:41 PM): get it?
applejuiced (11:45:42 PM): hold on
emilyfun (11:45:44 PM): k
applejuiced (11:46:12 PM): now emily
she lonley
she say baby hold me
but these cats are too busy
bein hella phoney
what she really needs is thug that's hard
fuck it girl, just get a library card
applejuiced (11:46:20 PM): bow chk bow wicka wicka wicka
emilyfun (11:46:30 PM): hahahahahahha
emilyfun (11:46:38 PM): that is the best
applejuiced (11:46:39 PM): OH! GO GO!
applejuiced (11:46:41 PM): thanks
emilyfun (11:46:46 PM): lemme think!
applejuiced (11:46:48 PM): i just made that up on the spizzzot
emilyfun (11:46:52 PM): god i am not gonna be good
emilyfun (11:47:14 PM): mel challenged me to rap
emilyfun (11:47:17 PM): but i ain't no good
emilyfun (11:47:27 PM): i aint from martinez
emilyfun (11:47:30 PM): i ain't from the hood
emilyfun (11:47:38 PM): i ain't got sick rhymes
emilyfun (11:47:43 PM): i ain't got phat beats
emilyfun (11:47:59 PM): all i got is this house
emilyfun (11:48:02 PM): and it ain't got no heat
applejuiced (11:48:06 PM): bo bo ob
applejuiced (11:48:11 PM): keep going
applejuiced (11:48:22 PM): you know that you're flowing
emilyfun (11:48:25 PM): hahahah
emilyfun (11:48:36 PM): so i'm sitting in the cold
emilyfun (11:48:44 PM): waiting for it to get better
emilyfun (11:48:55 PM): but the window's jammed open
emilyfun (11:48:57 PM): so i'm wearing a sweater
emilyfun (11:49:20 PM): you know my homegirl mel
emilyfun (11:49:26 PM): she ain't got a shorty
emilyfun (11:49:37 PM): cause she too busy getting paid
emilyfun (11:49:41 PM): too busy drinkin forties
emilyfun (11:50:08 PM): all them hos is linin up
emilyfun (11:50:13 PM): for some hot mel action
emilyfun (11:50:33 PM): but ...something something something
emilyfun (11:50:39 PM): something something LIGHT REFRACTION
applejuiced (11:50:47 PM): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 HELLLLLLLLLLLA
emilyfun (11:51:04 PM): hahahahahahahah
emilyfun (11:51:07 PM): ok you go
applejuiced (11:51:08 PM): except its not true
emilyfun (11:51:30 PM): dude i was flowing. flowing is not about true and untrue.
emilyfun (11:51:37 PM): it is just about representing
emilyfun (11:52:37 PM): ok you go
applejuiced (11:52:42 PM): i go all at once
applejuiced (11:52:46 PM): so hold on!
emilyfun (11:53:00 PM): ok!
applejuiced (11:55:16 PM): what emily said about me bein a pimp,
it ain't really true; she a verbal gimp
you see what happens is a just big mess
guys i like are all about the finesse
which i don't got
i only got silly
so i run around crushin like willy nilly
i gotta wonder though
what is this fatal charm?
how can i get it and keep it at my arms
length that is
don't mind the width
girl keep it real
i'm all about bandwidth
dial up is whack, like a phone on crack
i take a hammer straight to the jack
cuz if i wanted my internet to be slow
i'd just hack
and haw let's gaw
ooh hecky naw
break it on down
like turkey in the straw
emilyfun (11:56:12 PM): hahahahahhahahha
emilyfun (11:56:14 PM): yes
emilyfun (11:56:16 PM): YES
applejuiced (11:56:52 PM): i think that next time i come to santa cruz we should have a rap off
applejuiced (11:56:56 PM): in your living room
emilyfun (11:57:05 PM): hahahah dude it will be much harder in person
applejuiced (11:57:07 PM): plus funnier
applejuiced (11:57:15 PM): complete with strobe lights
emilyfun (11:57:38 PM): hahahahah
emilyfun (11:57:45 PM): we should make a dvd of it
applejuiced (11:57:48 PM): lol WANNA?
applejuiced (11:58:03 PM): i just think that whoever wants to come should come and we could challenge people
emilyfun (11:58:27 PM): hahaha
applejuiced (11:58:38 PM): I'm MC BABY BELUGA
emilyfun (11:58:50 PM): that is such a good mc name!!
applejuiced (11:59:30 PM): thanks. you dont think it makes me look fat?
emilyfun (11:59:45 PM): hahahah how can a name make you look fat?
applejuiced (12:00:11 AM): whale blubber
applejuiced (12:01:23 AM): wah wah wah
applejuiced (12:01:35 AM): im sooooo fat it's my mom's fault- she's a whale, and so am i
applejuiced (12:01:41 AM): it's genetically predisposed
applejuiced (12:01:47 AM): i need it in the arctic
applejuiced (12:02:01 AM): I HATE YOU ALL!
emilyfun (12:02:16 AM): we hate you back!
applejuiced (12:02:29 AM): you hate my back fat?
applejuiced (12:02:31 AM): what?
emilyfun (12:02:45 AM): exactly
hahaha. oh girl i love.
p.s. schitzophrenia is the wave of the future!!! (and at the present time, i've decided that this month is mental illness awareness month)