May 23, 2006 11:24
I think I'm going to move back to EC
I miss my grandma
But I know if I do that Brock is going to want to come
And all he does is get into trouble over there
He’s doing so well here
And my mom is happy that he's around the rest of the family
We’ll see what ends up happening
On another note I talked to Tiffany the other night
It was a little naww it was really rocky
She was mad
And with good reason
But she forgave me
I'm really ashamed of how I made her feel in the first place tho
She didn't deserve that
I just love her so much
And I don't know haw to stop that
She made it clear that she wanted no romantic relationship with me anytime soon
Or maybe not ever
But let me tell you this she's back to a lot of he old ways
And I'm not sure if that’s as bad as it is good
But I’ll do my best to take care of her