Jan 12, 2006 09:51
I feel so bad for her
She is having a really hard time
I hate to see her cry
I try to explain to her that it's okay
And she claims to know and understand
But it keeps getting worse everyday
She misses him
I understand missing someone
I miss her all the time
I just wish she would stop the tears
I can't explain how it hurts me to see her cry
It drives me crazy
Because I can't fix it
I can hold her and talk her through it
But I'm not the one she needs to hold her
I can only make her feel so much better
I'm not what she needs
More like not what she wants
Poor baby
I want to fix it so bad
Fuck, Brandon is lucky
But I guess I'm so okay with it
Because he is fully aware of the fact
That he really is lucky
Unlike all the other ass holes she's been with
Stupid MotherFuckers
Okay you can probably tell I'm a little stressed
But I'll be okay
I just do what I can for her
I love her