Sep 03, 2006 22:07
i bought G a cake yesterday for his birthday. of course all they had was the girly lookin cakes with pink flowers on them lol. i got one with pink, yellow, and blue ballons on it and it said "Happy Birthday G" on it. that was the least gayest lookin one. when i gave it to him it put a smile on his face which was what i was aiming for so mission was accomplished. he had a terrible day yesterday. got chased by the police and some mo shit so i was happy that i was able to put a smile on his face. im mad his niggas cut into the cake before he did though. they was crushin his shit! i ate a piece too though...that shit was on point.
i attempted to do some homework just now but omg that shit had my head hurtin. i was even bustin a sweat. that shit was workin the hell out my brain. i couldnt figure that shit out so i just was like fuck it! Favor of Love bout to come on anyway! LOL i swea my friend got me hooked on this shit. i didnt watch NONE of the first season because the previews just looked so damn stupid to me. i jus couldnt get myself to watch it. she begged me to watch this season and now i cant get enough! soon as it goes off im on my cell callin her to re-cap it wit her. this shit is crazy.
my feet are cold.
let me finish lookin at Flavor of Love... i need to get back to my homework but i'll tackle that tomorrow. shit dun frustrated me