we know what's hot tonight, omfg.

Jan 27, 2006 22:25


there are two things i need to talk about, and i shall neatly organise them into two sections, because sometimes logic works, and other times it... doesn't. i can't promise any anal-retentiveness past this point, though, okay.

i just. holy friggin' moses i will never be able to do justice to that gig, dudes, no fucking WAY, understand? but there are six important things i can tell you straight off, and they are;

1. Nicholas McCarthy's eyes look right into your soul.*

2. Alex Kapranos is probably the sluttiest tease in the entire universe (2b. Robert hardy loves it [see 3])

3. Robert Hardy's permanently fixed 'i am amused (read: cheeky as fuck)' face is one of the most adorable faces in the history of music.

4. Paul Thomson is so fucking intense and sexy and OHMYGOGKEEPMAKINGTHE'O'FACEPLZ.

5. Andy Knowles is having sex with all of them.

6. i want to be having sex with all of them.

(*and if he does it enough (and he did) you start to not care that he's married and/or that you probably want him to be boning his band-mates more than you, because hey, it's for the good of the internets world internets.)

i suppose first i should talk about the greatness that is Cut Copy. they are so CUTE, srsly. too-big vintage tshirts and skinny matching black jeans and indie haircuts and they're so TINY and jumpy and clappy and hyperactive and they fucking rocked the crowd for an opening act except for the two really stupid chicks behind that were dancing like they were on drugs, which would be totally fine except that after every song they intelligently interjected, 'YOU'RE NOT FRANZ FERDINAND HA HA HA HA'. so yeah, Cut Copy are totally worth seeing another fifty times at least.

i was right at the front, against the barricade and to the side, which actually worked amazingly because i could see Andy, Nick, Paul, Alex and Bob respectively in a pretty row with no interference whatsoever. can anyone say BEST SPOT EVER? i can. i told myself if i couldn't see Paul i would most likely cry all over an unsuspecting security guard and later melt into his shoe. Andy was directly opposite me (hellooo) and Nick was right there and i could see his pores, people.

i wish someone had told me that as Franz Ferdinand actually come on stage they play this cracked out doomsday slash (hee) circus music because i was like OH MY GOD WHY ARE THEY SO AWESOME and felt like an idiot because hello, THEY JUST ARE and the lights flickered on and off and you could see them for like a split second at a time and i was just spazzing in the way that i was just standing there stock still with my hands clasped going

what i know is that they opened with This Boy and closed with This Fire, and everything between is a sort of divine, ear-ringing, foot-stomping blur. there are some random things that stick out though, and here they are in no coherent order (see!).

i think it was probably when Alex did his first brief introduction of the band that he pointed out Andy Knowles in case anyone was like HEEEEY WHO IS THAT HOT PERSON, and he said something to the effect of 'and this is Paul's best friend in the whole world, Andy Knowles' and i was like :DDDDDD HAWT.

it was later when Alex did his 5 minute spiels telling us how much he wants to shag every one of his band mates and he kept saying 'WE KNOW WHAT'S HOT TONIGHT' and i was like OMG STOP IT YOU'RE TOO HOT and then it was left to Nick to say 'and this... is Alex.' and everyone was like OHO WORD.

Darts of Pleasure went for like, and hour and i was just dying because as if that's not one of their best songs ever and i may have had to scramble for my girlfriend's hand and squeeze it kinda hard when Bob's bass solo came on because asklhfdslhgal'dhgckldn/hfl/kHGXSFJL, and Paul oh my god i just cannot okay.

they all jumped around EVERYWHERE except Bob who y'know, walked around A LOT and smiled and was awesome.

Nick is so fucking beautiful. he really gets into eyeshagging the audience. really. he knows how to make a stupid fangirl feel special, let me tell you. in fact, i got to look at them all right in the eye and try to telepathically tell them how much they should be eyeshagging each other but hey, i can compromise (as in, i might've gone D: when Paul looked at me because he was all DRUMS and i was like a;lsjdahsl;jhgfajd;aljshmbestever). those sluts. :)))

Alex cracked the lame one about Take Me Out being Bob's favourite, but who cares because TAKE ME OUT and holy crap if that didn't get people going batshit insane then nothing did.

i knew there were a few slacken_ties girls there, one of them had a tie to throw to Alex and i just about died laughing when she threw it on stage right at his feet and he recognised it and smiled in that way that said OH MY GOD YOU PEOPLE ARE EVERYWHERE BUT THANKS I SEKKRITLY THINK YOU'RE ALL KINDA AWESOME. heee. there were heaps of young fans there that were really fangirling all over the place in the way that almost scares me because they talk without ever taking a breath. but it's cute.

Outsiders was mind-blowing. i thought it was hot enough with Andy's backside to the audience while he smashed away with Paul but when the third guy came out it was hard to hear anything else, it was almost tribal and everyone went nuts, it was fantastic. drumming orgasms EVERYWHERE.

there was an intriguing moment (that, of course, i chose to interpret in a slashy way) where Bob casually stepped up onto the drums during Walk Away when Paul was on guitar and Andy mouthed 'i'm sorry' a few times and Bob, the enthusiastic communicator that he is, shrugged.

also, 'come all over me'. okay.

when they were about to do Eleanor..., Alex said something like 'when i sing this song it makes me sad because... it's about a girl when she's far away, but she's not, she's right here, and this one's for you, Eleanor' and everyone went AWWWWWWSOJEALOUSWWWWWW. and i almost got emo until THEY ROCKED OUT WITH THAT SONG WHAT THE HELL IT WAS SO GREAT. it had people moshing! come on. awesome.

Matinee and Michael had the desired effect of fangirls all over the theatre.

i'd like to say that i still don't have a favourite but i have to tell you my favourite non-favourite is totally Nick, and not just because of the eyeshagging but because he is pretty and he has pretty eyes and a really nice arse and when he plays his guitar and dances kinda like a tin man i get really happy (and also because he's sekkritly always been my favourite). also CHEEKBONES. and the funny shoes. okay, it's really the shoes.

after the show (and the cracked out music came back on) my girlfriend told me her favourite was Nick and i was silently fangirling nothing in particular because YAY NICK AND YAY THE GIRLFRIEND IS A FANGIRL TOO.

we saw girls waiting out the back to meet them, but i didn't really want to wait around because the next day was to be huge and tiring (yes, i can see into the future) and honestly, i wouldn't know what to say apart from, 'hi, nice to meet you, that was fucking awesome, SEE YOU TOMORROW BAI' and really, i could see Nick's pores for an hour and a half. i was spent. :) i don't think i'm a meet the band kinda person, i'm a admire them stupidly from afar then run away thinking they're still superheroes and not real people kinda person. IT WORKS FOR ME. when i saw the drummer from Cut Copy going into the theatre with Chinese food i was like HOMG. anyhoo.

that is that for now. except for the bit where i got to see them the next day.

at a massive festival.




i love how massive the Big Day Out is, i really do. i kinda wish i'd taken a camera, but there'll be plenty of photos at the site, plus really good ones of all the bands.

with my little map and my little schedule in hand i was ready for best day ever and i wasn't really disappointed at all.

first i saw The Presets in the Boiler Room which was fucking insane but awesome cos those guys are cool like Cut Copy are cool in the way that they make dance music but with actual instruments! yay! only they're more freaky than Cut Copy's music, but it works. there were really straight guys proposing to the singer, whose name might be Julian, i don't know, but that's proof enough of how great they are. i should upload some music soon to spread such awesome.

i think next was Gerling on one of the main stages, and they are crazy as always. there was a guy in a weird nude suit, turns out he was based at Lilyworld, the weirdest place there, which wasn't a surprise.

The Subways lasted about 2 songs with until i got a bit bored and probably hungry (usually the case with me) and decided to try and find friends (hardest thing ever).

Wolfmother were on at 3.30 and christ, i forgot how packed the main arena could get. the stands and the ground were completely packed and it was awesome and Wolmother were awesome and everyone was going insane, and all 'go Australia!' there are those near-surreal moments where the entire crowd clap their hands in time and it's like a school of fish or some other cracked out analogy like that but it's really great when you're there and the music is deafening and everyone knows the songs because everyone bought the awesome album. AWW.


they played Milk. oh. my. god. i didn't think they'd play it, because it's... 'slow', i suppose, but they did and oh, Caleb's voice rips my heart out and ad'jfdsp'gjhmhsjnhsjf.

they played King of the Rodeo which is totes one of my favourite songs ever and i wish i was seeing them on Saturday but oh well i've seen them and everyone loved them and the mosh pit went crazy for Four Kicks and e'tjed;gjp'sjgps;jhgp I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. ;___________________________________;

then it was dinner time (6.15) but the Living End were playing and i kinda forgot that they'd been around for 9 years or something and had some really cool songs and everyone walking around was singing them and then i realised i was too in between eating chips and it was kinda cool.

but then Franz Ferdinand came on and everyone forgot everything.

the set was similar to the night before but there was a song or two different (damned if i can remember). i knew how excited they were about doing another festival down here and fuck if it didn't show, they thrived on it. the crowd was even bigger by then like it was even possible and then they played Take Me Out (which, by the way, was the number one song of the jjj Hottest 100 of the year before which is announced at the BDO so it was like this weird kind of cycle and really FF should have been headlining because the reaction to that song was better than anything the White Stripes got, holy crap). I LOVE THEM SO MUCH TOO LIKE YOU DIDN'T KNOW ALREADY ;_______________________________________;

we tried to run to the other stages to get the end of Cut Copy, which we kind of managed except we couldn't see a thing, but i heard!

The Mars Volta were supposed to be on at 8.30 (til 10) but there must have been technical difficulties and i got sick of standing without seeing anything, but by 9 they were on and we stayed for 2 songs... i don't know TMV really well but i thought they would have been better on one of the main stages because they're really... dynamic. the green stage was too small, says i!

so we went and caught all of the White Stripes, which was awesome (actually we got about 10 minutes of Iggy Pop and The Stooges prior to this but let's just leave that because i'm a little scarred there). Jack was a pimp, Meg was a kid, all was normal and yet strange and yet cool. they played Blue Orchid which is one of my songs at the moment so i was easily pleased.

they finished at 10.30, which more or less closed the BDO, and i was tired and hungry and my back hurt like a BITCH, okay, but i was still hyped as all get out so we went to the Boiler Room for about an hour for 2 Many DJs and they played some random songs and by random i mean Blur and AC/DC and they finished with Wolfmother and then it was OVER and i was HAPPY and also awww because now we have to wait a YEAR til the next one, but it's okay because you are all coming with me. :DDDDDD

basically the last 2 days have been completely awesome and i will not get over them for a while, thanks.

this is probably the longest post ever. i'm not sorry.

hello, ilu. ♥

eta: the webchat is killing me. for example;

Spam Tomato Spam asked:
Are any of you guys octopi in disguise? Its really hard to tell these days...

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