Jan 07, 2006 23:29
All State, wow. That was the best experiance of my life, so far anyways. I loved singing in the mens choir, it was just so great. To have 130+ guys all together just belting it is one of the coolest things ever. We had such an awesome program and I want all of you to hear the c.d. when I get it, you'll love it. The people in the audience did at our concert, it went so well and a lot of people were crying after we sang this one song called "Prayer of The Children". I'm remembering things as I type so I'm sorry if this is completly random. But yeah, just being there made me so excited about next year and when I'm going to be a director. I got to see Wharton and Combs, I even saw Ashby for those of you who know who he is. We talked for a bit about band and I told him I got accepted at FSU and he was really excited about that. For those of you who don't know who Ashby is, he was our intern during my sophomore year and everyone said we were like twins. We both play trumet, he went to FSU, he's obviously a director, and apparently we sound the same when we talk, so yeah. But it was great to see him and all. I also saw so many big wigs in FMEA, which was really cool. It's really cool to have all of the hardcore music people in Florida in the same place, nothing can compare. I also went to the exibitions and I got a new baton from Mollard, it's great. Yeah, this post is getting really pointless and I think I'm going to end it.
But I just want to say that when I was talking to Wharton and Combs they said that Jared and I were so lucky to experience something like this because there are so many kids who never get a chance to do this kind of stuff. I hope you all get to do something like this with whatever you love, it really is amazing and you can't even describe it and give it justice. But yeah, I'm done.