[hp au bio]

Jul 23, 2007 19:31

ph33r my crappy bio

Name: Gojyou Shiouji (firstname lastname)
House: Ravenclaw
Talent: I. Let me get back to you on this :(
Teaching Position: Arithmancy
Backstory: GOJYOU WAS THE FRUIT THE CHILD THE FRUIT of a marriage between the magical visionary Tenmangu Shiouji and Rengaya Miwa. He does not have a long family lineage of wizards, for the record. He was groomed to be faaaantastic wizard from birth and has always found comfort in the arms of numbers, thus his love for Arithmancy. He also has a fascination for magical artifacts, one in particular that he is currently performing experiments on. IT IS A BOX. Shhh.
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