Jul 02, 2007 08:21
Beginning of Excel Saga, volume 12, has a set of chapters that came out in Young King Ours that occurred during volumes 9 and 10. At the beginning of these chapters, they give us the MOST awesome descriptions of Shiouji ever, and that is why I have to include them here.
Gojyou Shiouji, age 26
Gojyou's father was a brilliant scientist, although, perhaps critically, there was intelligence on both sides of his family. Gojyou has "sophisticated" hobbies and "excellent" taste. He inherited his father's honesty, a quality in which people with severe personality defects often take pride. No one really knows what he thinks about, although evidently he despises women whose breasts exceed a predetermined measurement.
Gojyou Shiouji is the fruit the child the fruit of a marriage between the scientific visionary Tenmangu Shiouji, and his wife, the brilliant biologist Miwa. Recognized early on as gifted, Gojyou was groomed from the time he was a small boy to surpass even the genius of his parents. His earliest years were happy and healthy -- but this was not to last. Fate struck cruelly against the youth when the father he so deeply respected disappeared suddenly when Gojyou was six. It was after this that the retiring personality of Gojyou's mother began to change, to become drastic and eccentric. Miwa showered her son with excessive physical affection, imprinting upon him a distorted perception of women. It was also during this difficult period that young Gojyou developed what he would later refer to as his refined sensibilities. When he became a junior high student, Gojyou had a fateful meeting with his younger cousin, Umi. At the time he vowed he would dedicate his own life to this innocent, pure girl. Fate took longer, then, to show its hand once more against him, as the ideal image he possessed of her began to fade with the passage of time and the onset of puberty. Now a student at an all-girls mission school, Umi continues her own tragic mission to try and comfort the soul of a man utterly dedicated to his research, through slatternly outfits acquired by mail order. Gojyou's daily routine starts with a cup of tea in the morning while he sorts the treasures on his hard drive, running his fingers along the keyboard as if rubies and jacinths fell between them. Afterwards it is off to the park in front of the research institute his father built, Far from any thought of work, he sits upon the well-polished bench and contemplates, trying, perhaps, to rediscover some sense of purpose in his life.