feeling a summer's kiss

Apr 28, 2009 20:57

I can check freshman year of college off of my list of things to do in life. It has been one ridiculous school year filled with love, heartbreak, events, silliness, illness, and whatnot in between. College has really opened my perspective. I just to be in this safe high school bubble, where this is how things are or how they should be. All of the people that I have met kind of forced me too see that one way is not the only way. I feel like I not only acknowledge complexities more, but accept them as well. And that was the hard part. Accepting. Throughout the year, I did a lot. I joined LEGO and CUP, went to hockey games, got free swag (Stuff We All Get), gained my portion of the infamous "freshman15," got a tattoo, and made my mark at my workstudy. Although my grade dropped in the second semester, I feel like I did well enough. Hopefully I will be able to bring my GPA up again next fall semester. It was an eventful year. No two years are ever the same. I want some aspects of next year to be the same, but that might be asking for too much. Or hoping for too much.

I saw Erin McCarley, Matt Nathanson, and Jack's Mannequin last night with Ashleyee and her friend Yelana. It was a pretty good show. Andrew sang his heart out, played a little Something Corporate for old time's sake, and danced on his piano for us. Good times. It was Ashleyee's first real concert and I am glad that I got to take her. Every kid deserves to see a good show.

Today I went to the beach with Joseph. Yes, yes. Joseph. He sent me a message on Facebook that kind of pissed me off because it made it seem like he was letting me down easy, when it was I who shut him down in the first place. I talked about this to a friend of mine and he said that I was playing it off like a power struggle. He was right. But the situation I was not right. I resolved to forget about it unless Joseph brings it up again, at which point I very well might explode in his face.

My summertime plans? After an epic job hunt, I am going back to Lollicup. I already have some traveling plans, which seem to still be tentative at this point. All of them. Indecisive, we are. I also hope to see Brian as he has assured me before that we would do, but so far, no bites. I'll give it some time before I start to melt down over him...again. Why do I bother? I try to remind myself why. Will it always work? We'll see. That'll do pig. That'll do.
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