So with just over 50 days to go (eep!) we've got all the vital stuff sorted & just have the decorations to plan now...
- Dress - Mum's pretty much there with the bodice section (fitting over easter meant taking in a fraction before sewing up the last seams) & starting on the skirt, shoud be much easier.
- Shoes - bought!
- Jewellery - Sorted but I have no bracelet... Silver or green.... don't s'pose anyone has one I could borrow? (I have no something borrowed yet...)
- Bridesmaid dresses - 1 being made, 1 to confirm (Vix - remind me to go through these, do you have an evening free this week?)
- Food - Cousin is planning (although seems to only talk to mum now not me... I swear I didn't do anything!), they are also sourcing cider & ale for us :)
- Drink - mum sorting (with help from cousin & aunt)
- Cake - Sorted. Cake toppers should be nearly ready too (very exciting!)
- Guests - Up to 84... Last chance to yell if you want to come!
- Ceremony - Has been written (more or less), vows need sorting....
- Rings - On order!
- Legalities - Paidup & ready to go.
- Flowers - Mum's raiding the local flower market ; )
- Decorations - Bunting flags wanted!!!! The more the merrier! Even if you're not coming to the wedding your spare fabric made into flags would be most welcome! Also fairy lights... anyone got long lengths of white fairy lights we could borrow?
& very importantly....
- Honeymoon - balanced paid up on the cottage so we have a week away if everything else goes wrong! :)
In other news...
The flat is coming along nicely. We've got a bathroom (yay!), with a proper floor & a door that locks! We have two fitted cupboards (well, shelves) outside the bathroom for clothes, floor is down in there too & the door rehung the other way round! Few little things to do (painting the doors, settling the sink, finishing the trim in the bathroom). Next big thing is the kitchen Mark has some time booked off work so watch this space! (or facebook...)
Starting to seriously look at moving somewhere bigger (sent out a few emails about viewing houses, will chase up with phone calls tomorrow). Not least this is because my landlady here is moving in with her boy this summer & want to rent this house out (too pricey for us & wrong place)
Things really are rather hectic for us at the moment but in a few months we should be able to make it up to you all!