I set up a really lame geocities picture page. It is nothing special at all. I just needed to put a few pictures up for you guys. Also Rusty? I scanned one of my drawings "Self Portrait With Cancer and put it on there. Most of the other pictures are of my love Adam so you guys can know who I am talking about...because I am going to mention him a lot. So -
Here ya go... I guess I should let you guys know who some of these people are that I type about. What follows will be long and boring and most likely have a lot of typos and grammer problems. I worked out tonight and my hands are still shaky. I know it's kind of boring but I think it will make my future entries more understandable and will save me a lot of backstory in the future...hopefully. So in advance thanks for suffering through this.
Mom and Dad are easy. My little sister's name is Ty. She is 18 years old. She's kind of a ditz and most definitely a girly girl. Anyway family isn't important. I also have an older brother named Toby and an older sister named Sharon. They are my dad's kids though and we never talk.
My friends - These are the important people
Adam - My best friend. We've been friends since I was in 10th grade and he was in 11th. He is one year and 2 days older than I am. He was born November 10th and I November 12th. He's 22 and I am 21. We're really close. I spend the night at the house. Nothing has ever *happened* between us though. We're really affectionate and touchy but we've never kissed or anything. I am close with his family and his parents call me their adopted daughter. His dad is the priest at my church. They gave me my own house key. He is the most brilliant, creative person I know. He plays guitar and sings (Jeff Buckley watch out...no I'm not kidding) and is a writer. I am secretly in love with Adam though I've never told him flat out. It's pretty obvious though and I don't try and hide it, I just don't talk about it. But it's obvious. Everyone knows.
Ryan - If Adam was not my best friend Ryan would be. I thought I was in love with him in high school because we got along so well. I had a better time hanging out with him than anyone else I had ever met. I never understood why he didn't love me to because we got along so freakin' well. Turns out he's gay. It was such a relief, at least I knew there wasn't anything wrong with me. So now we hang out and it's perfect. When his mom flipped when he came out he moved in with me for a while. She eventually got over it and he went home. I gave her a piece of my mind one night when she was being mean to him though. She's never done that in front of me again.
Ryan hates Adam but also wants to have sex with him.
Sarah - My only RL friend who isn't a boy. We met in 6th grade and have been friends ever since. She is a writer. She is also an idependent music critic and wants someday to write for Rolling Stone or EW. She goes to TWoP to read recaps and watches Buffy, Smallville, Dawson's Creek, Alias, and Queer as Folk with me. She also has seen Young Americans and loved Verve. She caught the last few episodes of Felicity with me and cried like a baby in the Graduation episode. It was such an indication to me that the show was awesome since she wasn't years invested in the show and yet was so moved. I also wept during that episode for the entire last fifteen minutes. I still do even though I've seen it *multiple* times. BTW if you haven't noticed I freakin' love Felicity and still watch my tapes *a lot*. It is probably one of my favorite shows ever. So please don't cap on it. Thanks.
John - Good friend. He's like 25. He has a daughter who is 6 and he raises her alone, though his parents have helped a lot so he can go to school. He's a semester away from have his architecture degree. His little brother Matt and I are the same age. Matt and Adam were best friends for seven years until Adam went away to college. Adam asked Matt to look after me, though I didn't know that. Before Adam left for school we were friends but it was through Adam. Anyway we started to hang out and started to get involved...it was a friends with benefits thing. It wasn't right though. I liked him and he just couldn't give me any kind of committment. In the end I see all the manipulations that he did to me. It seriously put me in a depression the second half of my senior year. I talked to Adam about it one night because you talk to your friends about things that bother you. Matt had asked me to please keep our thing a secret from Adam and I did for a while (I think he knew Adam would be pissed) but it just got to be too much and I wanted to talk to him about it. Anyway, they aren't friends anymore. I dind't mean for that to happen but they haven't talked at all since my senior year.
Smitty and Jeanine Smith - John and Matt's parents. I went to Germany with them when we went to visit John and Halle last Thanksgiving. He was there for an internship and to visit his oversees girlfriend. Smitty is the leader of our worship band at church and I was the female singer until I moved churches recently. BTW we're all Episcopalian. Anyway I moved churches because Father Tom (Adam's dad) took a new job and so I moved too. I had to stay with the Day family. I still talk to Smitty and Jeanine though and I go and sing with the band at special performances.
Anyway as I said earlier. If you read this then you are hopefully better equiped to understand my journal entries in the future. I kind of have a small incestous goup of friends much like "The Creek" group so I wanted to fill you in on the most basics of basics.
Sorry if it made no sense. Also I know it was boring. Sorry for that too. I will try and be more entertaining tomorrow and I'll fill you guys in on my uneventful weekend.