Oct 28, 2007 10:33
Actually, no...midterms don't suck so hard. I mean yeah, it sucks to study for them, but they're worth it in the end. I pwned my last two finals (87% on the first Art of Listening midterm and 90% on the Discrete Structures midterm). You see, in those two classes, especially Discrete Structures, I don't have to stress as much for the final. Of course, I'll still stress, but it won't be as bad as having to worry about the final counting as much as like, 80% of my grade.
What midterms are coming up?:
Probability Theory Tuesday, October 30...11:35 AM
Intro to Computing I Monday, November 5...6:05 PM - 8:05 PM
The Art of Listening (Midterm 2) Wednesday, November 7...12:35 AM
Well I'm not so worried for the Art of Listening. I mean cmon. I barely pay attention and I know what they're talking about. Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven...blabla. It's awesome music. I'm nervous for probability even though I technically already took the stuff we learned. It's just a bit harder, we have to memorize all the equations, and blah. Gamma distribution? Disgusting.
I also have a 20 minute oral on November 8th. I'm nervous for that because I have the feeling my teachers are going to interrogate me with crazy questions. Ugh. Lots of assignments due too: Discrete Structures Assignment 4 (forgot when it's due), Probability Assignment 3 (also forgot when it's due), and Intro to Computing Assignment 4 (November 23). I like how the last one's due so much later. Hehehehe!
Codon's first band practice was Friday (two days ago). We kicked ass. Seriously :P. I guess that's what happens when you put a bunch of experienced musicians in a room. We played five covers: Come Together by The Beatles, Time by Pink Floyd, Closer to the Heart by Rush, The Enemy Within by Rush, and School by Supertramp. Our best cover so far is Time. Closer to the Heart didn't cause as much problems as I thought it would for me, and it's going well too. Come Together just needs a solo learned for the end...Enemy Within needs to be learned in general for most of us but we still got it down pretty well with just Ryan, Mike, and I playing hehe. School is awesome. We just need to work on timing (because there are several pauses) and I'm going to learn guitar parts for when Ryan's piano-ing it up. Next Saturday we have another practice!
I was sick yesterday :(. I was supposed to go with Nick and his family to go see Danny play with his band live. Sucks. I had a really bad fever before I had to leave to go bus to Nick's. I was all dizzy and stuff, so I rested and watched movies and stuff all night.
Nicki's currently reminding me right now why I never want to take a biology class again. Wow she has a lot of stuff to remember and it's killing my braincells as she explains how much she has to remember...
Apparently a robin is...TURDUS MIGRATORIUS. I want to be a turdus too!!! TURRRRD