"Ma House is a Drama-Free Zone!!!"

Nov 13, 2004 02:17

so maybe some of you have had a roomate who, at first, seemed legitimately nice, normal, down-to-earth, level-headed, even-tempered, [insert other hyphenated phrases], etc., but who, upon several weeks after commencement of cohabitation, turned out to be totally f-ing nuts. if you've gone through this process of horrifying and repulsive discovery, i feel your pain.

perhaps your roomate decided that they never wanted to clean, split the costs of toilet paper, or take out the trash; perhaps your roomate decided they wanted to ruffle lightly through your drawers and see what they could find. or perhaps, like in my case, your roomate/landlord deemed it necessary to change the terms of your lease one night after a friend of yours came to visit-- the friend, perhaps, was one of an ethnic group against which your roomate/landlord was prejudiced.

perhaps the new terms of the new lease forbade any friends coming over, at all, ever, under any and all circumstances. perhaps you WOULDN'T HAVE SIGNED THE LEASE HAD IT ACTUALLY SAID ANYTHING TO THE SAME EFFECT-- and perhaps you were then forced to move out because you didn't want to enable your roomate's prejudices and tell your arab friends that your black roomate hated the idea of them in her house simply because of their ethnicity. perhaps this new lease was thrown at you one morning by your roomate, expecting to have it signed on the spot, as you rushed out the door to work.

perhaps the new lease spontaneously increased the monthly rent along with its forbidding of company under any circumstances, meaning that you were forced to pay $85 more than you originally expected to for a strictly policed house whose mortgage payment you were supplementing. perhaps this all occured because your roomate was a racist, uncouth, backstabbing, selfish, two-faced (ahem) bitch.

if you have ever been in this situation, i am sorry. it's not pleasant. i hope you found some alternate housing and got away from your psychotic and childish roomate. maybe i can follow in your footsteps and find my very own "drama-free zone", where i can show my own parents where i'm living-- apparently all the drama of showing my parents my new residence is too much for some people.

ANYONE LOOKING FOR A ROOMATE IN DEARBORN???? THERE'S A PLACE FOR USSSS....... (cherry hill/outer drive area 1/4 mile from the dearborn campus, near the heights but still in 48126)

this is the newest drama in my life as of late..... there's still boy, parent, and spiritual turmoil.... but school is wonderful. work is fabulous. i love ciao. everyone should come monday tuesday thursday or friday for lunch and see me and have a couple glasses of house cabernet. and as for crazy-ass roomates, stupid young men who pass up opportunity, upset mommies, and crying me, i utilize the advice of ali bazzi and the arab mafia--

"..... fuck THAT noise"
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