[Who]: IC!L
sockssuck & OOC!Near
white_sparkles[Where]: Headquarters
[When]: A day after
this.[Style]: Script! (-o-;;; (sorry sorry!)
[Summary]: OOC!Near pays IC!L a visit. L notices the bruises Mello left on his neck after his last visit. Short scene.
Near: *having been told what room L was working in, Near knocks on the door*
L: come in *typing*
Near: *opens the door, smiling softly* L, good evening.
Near: *Closes it quickly*
L: *smiling* Hi Near
Near: Thank you for letting me visit you again, despite how busy you are with work *still smiling, walks toward the man*
L: *stopping his typing, swiveling to face the other boy* anytime
Near: *gives L a hug. Even if the man is sitting, he's still taller than him*
Near: ... ... *buries his face on L's chest, not really meaning to. Not being able to help it, either*
L: *pulling Near up to hug him better, sitting in the chair normal for once to hold the boy close*
L: *smiling, quiet* I missed you..... ! *noticing something on Near's neck*
L: .....
Near: ... Missed me? *looks up at him, smiling innocently, blushing a bit*
L: *his eyes sparkling a bit* of course, Near
L: ...Near, how have you been lately?
Near: I've been good as always. How about you? *wonders if L and L solved their little problem, having not seen rock star L in a while*
L: I'm alright *smiling down a Near a bit, brushing a lock of hair behind his ear* ... ...
L: ...what happened to your neck?
Near: Ah... *opens his eyes a bit more* ...
Near: *then smiles softly to himself, still hugging L* Someone marked me...
L: *holding him close, his voice quiet, even* with their hands...?
Near: *nods softly*
Near: It wasn't with a bad intention, really *knows it was, but doesn't care*
L: *raises an eyebrow, clearing disbelieving him* oh?
L: do you enjoy being strangled, Near?
Near: ... *the smile fades from his lips* No... ... But...
Near: I don't mind this... I'm only worried about those marks disappearing soon... *grips his shirt*
L: *puts a close arm around him, sighing, rubbing his back a bit* nn...
L: I think you'll get new ones soon enough...
Near: ... *smiles again, softly. His cheek pressed against L's chest, so he's not currently looking at the man* I hope so...
L: *toying with his hair, gentle* Nia... are you sure this is what you want?
L: *keeping his voice soft, non-judgemental* you can get hurt even worse...
Near: ...I guess so... *is not exactly talking about physical damage*
L: *isn't either*
Near: How about you? Didn't you... ... *trails off, decides not to ask*
L: *raises an eyebrow, questioning* ...
Near: ... Sorry.
Near: *his head still pressed against L's chest, closing his eyes* I'd like us to make a puzzle together again...
L: *stroking his back a bit, soothing, reassuring* mm... right now?
L: we could always stay like this and talk for a bit...
Near: ... *opens his eyes again* Is it really okay? ... *relaxing into L's unique touch, deciding that it's very pleasant, even if it's really different from Mello's*
L: *smiles* would I say it was if it wasn't? *still stroking his back, soft*