g_yip and I volunteered today and the guy we're volunteering for is just hilarious. He doesn't see the funny things we see since well.....He just doesn't XD
We volunteered for a club on campus called WUSC (World University Services Canada). The club is responsible for sponsoring a student in a 3rd world country to come to UTM to study (all expsenses paid for the first year). Today we were handing out food samples from the culture that they're from to raise awareness of refugees and the club. My volunteer co-ordinator decided to put the following slogan on a giant bristol board sign (he thought it was the best slogan ever)...
"Free Somali Food! Eat like a refugee!"
g_yip and I just died laughing. We were trying to explain to him that the slogan was really offensive to some viewers. He told us it was okay and brushed us off. Well, 5 mins later and a Somalian guy comes by stares at the sign, grabs some food then tells us that we should really change the sign. We just pointed at Raymond (the volunteer co-ordinator). Eventually he tapes somehting over it and he comes up with an idea for people who don't want to try the food.....
"You don't want to eat it?! Well guess what, they have to eat that in Somalia!"
Once again, Raymond is just soooooooo good at making phrases. I don't think he sees the errors of what he's thinking (he was smiling genuinely while saying these too). He thinks that he's making it better XD In general he's a good guy but maybe he should discuss things with others more? XD