My day begins before the crack of dawn. I woke up at 4am since my roommates decided that the temperature of 27 degrees and up was a suitable temperature to be sleeping in. I'm usually okay with things and will let them slide. But at 4am and rolling in my bed trying to get back to sleep, I'm sure you'd be sympathetic with my mood. I tried my best to be quiet and crept downstairs to find that the thermostat was set above 25 degrees and constantly on. Meaning, regardless of what temperature the house will reach, the furnace will keep going. After I set it back down to 21 (room temperature) and on auto, I dragged myself up the stairs and laid out on my bed. I managed to fall back asleep and totally ignore my cellphone alarm set to 9am. I had good dreams :D I just can't remember any of them.
At around 10:30am, I received a text from the lovely
g_yip asking if I was up. I told her that I'd need 15 mins to look presentable enough to go and have some breakfast. My morning routine just takes about 15mins and at the promised time,
g_yip , her roommate and I were on our way to some delicious breakfast. As it turns out, only her roommate opted out on eating anything that resembled a breakfast item. I had chili and a salad.
g_yip had a soup and salad. (Oh we're so healthy :D I've even managed to drink milk each day for the week....although not much of the week has gone by....) While we were enjoying our food, my roommate pops up and decides to join our feast. She just came from a psyc. experiment where she had to listen to recordings of other women and decide which recording sounded more "motherly". I've done experiments where I had to eat some cookies :D
With all the food gone, we headed towards our rez homes. Along the way, we crossed a street and
g_yip felt triumphant for being able to stop 2 cars at once (ahahha ily ♥). Luckily, our homes aren't that far from our food source so we managed to stay warm :D I stayed in my house until it was time for my first class, which was at 3:30pm. I had to attend a Bio Lab where all I do is draw plants. Seeing little spots or bumps on plants really creeps me out. I have no idea why. I also, have the same problem with holes too. The movie Holes was really hair raising for me in one particular scene. The shot where they pan across the scene of all the little holes the dudes had to dig. Ugh! I'm getting goose bumps just writing about it @A@ On the plus side, was able to save an eraser from being abandoned. No! I did not steal it, everyone was practically gone and it had been just sitting there for the whole period. That's +2 erasers this week. The other one was lying on a side walk. My friend decided that it would be funny to throw a perfectly good eraser into the snow and so she did. I ran and saved the poor eraser D: It was cold.
After my Bio Lab, I had a CCT Lecture. What do we talk about? I'm not really sure.....something about testing the population with a good consensus and non-biased surveys. It's so boring considering I've already gone over this in Psyc. And OMG! That stupid bobo doll experiment. IT WON'T GO AWAY. Everyone makes a reference to it. I got so bored while he was talking about it last time that I just started to talk to myself in my head....
My last class was the dreaded Math Tutorial. My TA decided that he should finally man up and teach like a real person. It's sort of helping or I'm just really bad at math :]
After my Math Tutorial,
g_yip made me some udon ♥ I had good food :D and she got her soggy veggies so we're all happy XD
Oh! I'd like to say, I have the crappiest tolerance to caffeine ever. I bought a medium Ice Cap from Timmies at around 4:40pm and drank it by 5pm. I was like awesome I'm awake. Several hours later and I'm now saying ?#@!$?!@#$ dammit, I'm awake. I'm still as awake as I was at 5pm. I thought I could take a medium Ice Cap but my body has told me "No, you can't take that. Go back to your water." That's why I decided to update lj with a retelling of today/yesterday. I actually wanted to add pictures and make this some sort of story book like thing. I got lazy, you'll only get words from me :D
tomorrow is going to be a long day...