(Well, now LJ works when I use the web interface, but it seems to still be sucking as far as iJournal is concerned. I am miffed.)
First: a Fic rec.
I'm a Musician (Not a Mathematician), from the Yuletide archive. Singin' In The Rain, Cosmo/Don/Kathy. I love this OT3 like you wouldn't believe.
Second: I think one of the reasons that one makes me squee is the title. There isn't that much similarity between Cosmo/Don/Kathy and Bones/Kirk/Spock, and certainly not present in the fic, but for some reason, the two trios do remind me of each other, and that someone else saw it enough to give the fic that title is just delightful for me.
Partly, for me, it's the the-world-revolves-around-me arrogance that Don and Kirk share. The terrible thing is, it's true, since their fictional universes really do revolve around them specifically.
But partly I think it's also a certain shared quality that DeForest Kelley and Donald O'Connor share - a combination of comic timing and the willingness to not be the center of the screen or the story. The characters aren't similar, but the way they inhabit the screen is.