I said, back when I started moving all my fics to my other journal, that occasionally I would post a list of what I'd done over there over here. I've done enough stuff - some of it not even smut - that now seems as good a time as any.
Hmm. How should I sort these? By fandom? By rating? By type? I think for the moment I'll sort by fandom and then internally by rating, but if someone has a suggestion, let me know.
Fic written between the week beginning May 24 and the week ending today, June 13:
Curses, Foiled - gen, PG. Fargo reflects on his lack of luck in life. A character study, without a central plot. Written for
an untitled flashfic - het, R, River/Jayne. A plotless piece of smut written for
Ghostbusters/Real Ghostbusters:
Fathers and Phantoms - gen, PG-13. Charlie Venkman hires his son's business to clean up a recent acquisition of his; as always with things involving Charlie, events go downhill from there. This is the accidental novella, and it's posted in three parts; this link goes to part 1, and it has links to the other two parts from there. Written for
Keeping Busy - slash, NC-17, Peter/Egon. A PWP without much redeeming value. Written for
Of Slime And Time - slash, NC-17, Peter/Egon. Our boys deal with a particularly unpleasant sliming and some bad memories. Smut with character study, and a bit of a plot in the first half. Written for
Singin' In the Rain:
Grist for the Rumor Mill - slash, Cosmo/Don, PG. There are several good reasons the gossip columnists shouldn't ask Cosmo for quotes about his best friend. Written for
an untitled Eighth Doctor flashfic - gen/het, G, background Doctor/Romana. A double drabble and a half, set during the Time War. Written for