May 29, 2009 19:12
Yeah, so I collect covers of '80s songs. I think I've mentioned this before.
So this is a nice, driving, guitar-based cover of the original, with a very early-'00s male vocalist. Cute enough to drop a buck on. So I decided to hunt around on iTunes for covers of this song, figuring hey, semi-obscure Tears for Fears song.
I hadn't realized there was a cover of it on the Donnie Darko soundtrack, and that there are about twenty million covers that are actually covers of that version. (This one is clearly a cover of the original, though.)
Then I remembered where I'd heard the title of this song recently - my kids were talking about it a few weeks ago. Because some dude did it on American Idol.
Damn my curiosity. Damn YouTube. It's actually good (if overproduced to hell). I had to buy a godsdamned American Idol song. *Hides head in shame*