Venkman nodded at the fellow painting the newly-installed doors. It was a shame, of course, since the original pair had been less than a month old to begin with, but they looked nearly as good as new. He hung the portable protoetheric detector back into its slot on the wall, and strolled back into the office area, tossing his greatcoat into his chair.
"Anything today, Miss Melnitz?" he queries, raising an eyebrow.
She looked up from her desk, looking bored, as she so often did, usually at Peter. "Two partial payments from from Mr. Horowitz and the Library. I already took them to the bank."
"Any new business? Letters? Telegrams?" Venkman spread his hands in front of him.
She shook her head and examined her nails again. "No, sir. We still have an appointment with the county judge in Albany on Wednesday. That's all that's on your calendar until next week."
"And the advertisement?" Dr. Stanz's voice sailed down from the second floor; he followed down the highly polished firepole, leaving fingerprints that made their secretary wince.
"Nothing since the arealist from Los Angeles. But it's only been a few days since it rolled out in the Midwest. I wouldn't expect to see mail from there until tomorrow," responded Janine. "No more telegraphs, though."
"Oh, I like him. Have we asked him to come out for an interview yet?" Ray was looking at Peter, now, with his usal expression of burnished eagerness. "No, not yet," replied his partner, "but that's mostly because I was hoping we'd have enough applicants that we could go out to St. Louis and have an interview session. No need to make them come all the way out here, especially not from California. Rather expensive proposition for a job interview, don't you think?"
"I suppose you're right," sighed Dr. Stanz, leaning on the edge of Janine's desk. "We'll just have to have patience, I guess."
C'mon, anyone else interested in playing? *flutters lashes, make big gooey-eyes*
And while this isn't the right period, and it's technically a parody from another canon, I thought
this bit of fanart was amusing.