First, Samuel L. Jackson tells you to
Vote No on Prop 8 in California. It uses the same miscegenation argument that I ended up using on Oxford. Woot, the biggest badass in Hollywood agrees with me! ;-)
Esquire nails both the reasonable critique of Obama and the reason why he's the only possible sane choice. WTF? Esquire? Home of the "Best Dressed Contest"? This is the most bizarre election ever.
Next, this
story on Politico snopeses a few slurs on each candidate and ends with the Best. Disclaimer. Ever. (It also has a link to the YouTube explanation for "why you didn't hear this one on the nightly news" for one of the McCain ones, which I enjoyed when I first saw it and is still kind of funny.)
Finally, how about some
mixed messages? I guess these were the guys Governor Dean was talking about.