GURPS Firefly: Doctor Tam

Jun 04, 2007 04:18

Okay, I know way-back-when I said I'd do these two as a two-fer. I'll try and do them both in the same calendar day, which is going to have to count - I realized I may have to delve into the Powers book to properly do River.

But here's her brother to tide you over:

Dr. Simon Tam

ST 10 (0 pts)
DX 12 (40 pts)
IQ 15 (100 pts)
HT 11 (10 pts)

Advantages: Ally: River (special case, 0 pts), Appearance: attractive (4 pts), Fearlessness, 2 levels (+2 to all fear checks, 4 pts), Perception +1 (5 pts), Single-Minded (5 pts), Talent: Healer, 1 level (10 pts), Status 1 (5 pts); a pre-rescue Simon would also have Wealth: Very Wealthy (30 pts), but by the time he joins the crew he has lost this (see disads)

Disadvantages: Dependent: River (special case, 0 pts), Enemy: the Blue Sun Corporation (large corporation working closely with the Alliance, appears moderately often on the core worlds but rarely on the border and outer worlds, -30 pts), Gullibility (-10 pts), Sense of Duty (to River and the crew, in that order, -5 pts), Vow: Hippocratic Oath (-5 pts), Wealth: Struggling (-10 pts)

Languages: English (Native, 0 pts), Mandarin (Accented, 4 pts)

Quirks: Shows little emotion to anyone but River (-1 pt), Still dresses as if he were wealthy (-1 pt), Very dry sense of humor (-1 pt)

Skills: Acting - 14 (1 pt), Administration - 14 (1 pt), Area Knowledge/Core Worlds - 16 (2 pts), Area Knowledge/Ariel - 15 (1 pt), Area Knowledge/Osiris - 16 (2 pts), Biology/Biochemistry - 14 (4 pts), Biology/Genetics - 14 (4 pts), Body Language - 15 (1 pt), Brawling - 13 (2 pts), Chemistry - 14 (2 pts), Computer Hacking - 13 (2 pts), Computer Operation - 16 (2 pts), Computer Programming - 13 (1 pt), Dancing - 11 (1 pt), Diagnosis - 17 (8 pts), Electronics Operation/Medical - 16 (4 pts), Electronics Operation/Scientific - 15 (2 pts), Finance - 14 (2 pts), Games/Cards - 15 (1 pt), Guns/Pistol - 13 (2 pts), History/Core Worlds - 14 (2 pts), Mathematics/Applied - 14 (2 pts), Pharmacy - 16 (4 pts), Physician - 18 (12 pts), Physics - 12 (1 pt), Physiology - 17 (8 pts), Psychology - 14 (1 pt), Research - 15 (2 pts), Savoir-Faire - 15 (1 pt), Singing - 11 (1 pt), Surgery - 17 (12 pts), Teaching - 14 (1 pt). [Note that his default for Occultism, which is what general knowledge about psionics would fall under in this universe, is 10; as of the end of the show, he hasn't had the opportunity to spend any points on it yet.]

Total: 216 pts

Comments: Simon points out low for this crew because he has huge disadvantages; no GM would ever let a PC take this many points of disads as a starting character. I'm assuming this GM (Joss?) let him lose his Wealth and gain his Enemy and Struggling disads "in play" in his starting solo adventure (which we see a recording the very end of in Serenity). He probably used to have more Status, too, but it appears that doctors are thought of highly enough even on the outer worlds to merit his still having one level. The Fearlessness advantage represents Simon's unnatural calm under (non-social) stress and his utter lack of squeamishness about blood and gore (he was a trauma surgeon, after all). If "City Slicker" were a disad, he'd have that, too, but no such luck. Note that Simon has Gullibility, not Honesty or Truthfulness; he has no trouble bending the law or even breaking it, and he can lie quite convincingly - but only when he has time to prepare himself (Acting, but not Fast-Talk).

River is generally inconvenient but occasionally saves his butt, so I've counted her as both an Ally and a Dependent for Simon and assume that point-wise it all cancels out.

gaming, firefly

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