Weird Dream

Mar 09, 2011 12:53

So, six weeks ago, I broke my ankle. I was out collecting plants for my class, wasn’t paying attention to where I was putting my feet, and was wearing rubber boots instead of winter boots- I basically stepped on a patch of ice, and went down. I don’t remember how I fell, but I must have gotten my leg under me.

It didn’t really hurt and once I got up, I could sort of limp, so I figured it was fine- stayed quiet for the rest of the weekend and then went to work on Monday (a very long work day). On Tuesday my foot was still swollen and it hurt, so I finally listened to my Mother and work colleague and went to the hospital after work.  They informed me it was broken, but the ligaments weren’t torn, so I just needed a cast for six weeks. In that respect I am very luck.

Having your foot immobilized sucks! Everything becomes harder, and even after two weeks where I was able to walk on the cast without crutches, little things are annoying. ¾ of the bathrooms in the city are not designed to allow people to hold something and pull themselves up; the benches in my lab room are too narrow to get behind my students and look at their samples, without lots of manoeuvring; Theatre seats are too low and my knee ends up higher than my bum, which is just uncomfortable. I also can’t drive and have been really dependent on friends for the last three weeks (boyfriend was away overseas).

However, we are almost at the end of this- and tomorrow I have an appointment to see if the cast can come off. Friends warn me that my ankle will hurt for the first week or so after this. Also, lots of little things have gone wrong this year, so I’m not going to believe my cast is coming off, until it actually comes off.

Anyways, last night I had a dream, that I was in lab, and found a pair of really sharp scissors and decided to cut my cast off. Then I realized that I didn’t have an extra shoe, and when I went to the doctor he said it hadn’t healed properly, something critical happens in that last 24 hours, and I would have a different cast for four more weeks. Take away message: Heed your dream doctor and no self cast removal!

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