So I was poked. Or nudged or whatever el-Jay calls it's facsimile of Facebook features. (Games? Really Live Journal??)
Anyway. Haven't been here much the last... oh, four years-ish. I don't know if that will change or not. I'm not SURE about much anymore.
Was recently in the hospital again. For pneumonia. I guess. They thought I might have had a Pulmonary Embolism too, so they kept me longer than necessary and did all kinds of weird shit to me. (Breathing radioactive gas, etc.)
They came up to me around day 2 and said, 'We need a stool sample'. And then proceeded to pull out one of those tiny cups you usually get for urine tests. I asked how they exactly expect me to maneuver that. Because the chances of getting poo on me was extraordinarily high unless they were also planning on giving me some thongs, rubber gloves, or a robot contraption that would extend out of the toilet and take care of business for me.
But they explained that it would be fine.
So I managed to 'forget' to collect that sample the entire hospital stay. Eventually they seemed to forget about it and stop asking.
Also, because I kind of feel gross if I don't shower at least once a day, and taking a shower in the hospital involves 30 people, tape, and plastic bags, (and occasionally a doctors order), I didn't get to bathe nearly enough, so I felt really gross the whole time. Especially around this one particular super hot nurse.
Other than that... Still hate my job, health kind of sucks, kids, stress, stereotyped 34 year old life stuff etc. Whatever. I am working on it. It's just taking a really long time.
Oh and this: