Nov 02, 2009 12:57
Like Tetris blocks, every once in awhile things sort of fall in place right in front of me. It usually makes me feel like an idiot that I didn’t see it sooner. Sometimes I guess the universe has to spell it out because I’m a dense mofo sometimes.
I’ve been rather depressive the last 10 years or so because of my working situation. I have not been HAPPY with my occupation choices. Almost always I usually like most of the peoples I work with but, if you’re a shit shoveler, it doesn’t matter how nice your co-workers are, it still will not change the fact that you’re shoveling poop.
I read crap all the time about “How to find success”, “how to be happy”, “Live in the now” etc. I’ve been scouring all of that self help crap for some kind of answer to my situation. I’ve been thinking that there has to be some secret path/way out that if I just follow it, I’ll be “free”.
I’ve been thinking about that too. FREEDOM. Honestly, it’s probably the one thing I want the most right now. By freedom I mean to be free from the 9 to 5 coal mine. Free to do whatever I want to do. To go off and be creative, make stuff, be the Josh that I want to be not the Josh that I HAVE to be per the corporate guidelines that are handed down to us by our benevolent masters.
I’ve realized that all of that crap in those self help books is really right; I just hadn’t realized how it applied to me. When they say as an example, to, “be responsible for your actions”, I thought that I already was. I mean, if I mess something up I own up to it. I try to take care of my business. But I realized that, in my situation, that’s not it.
Who’s really responsible for ME? It’s the doctors that tell me what to do about my health, my employer who pays me money when I behave and do what they want me to, the government who’s supposed to protect me from the “evils of the world”… Really most of us peoples are not responsible for ourselves. Not on a level of self sufficiency. If your work stops giving you money, if the government stops helping you, if you doctor stops giving you meds, what would you do? You would be screwed. Just like how I am screwed right now seemingly if I do anything other than go to work and do my crappy job so I can continue to suck on those corporate tities for nourishment.
So what would happen if I decided what was best for my health? What if I went out and made my OWN money, by doing things I believe in, instead of giving more power to a corporation. What if I did not rely on the government to tell me what is true, and what is right?
What if everyone did that?