Here's a very brief monthly update for you all!
Due to illness I was unable to get much done this month, but I hope August turns out to be different. One of my fics won second place over at
avatar_500, and I started a couple of new fics as well as continued a couple of old ones.
I honestly plan to close a few of the collections in a few months, as my ideas for consecutive series are waning thin and I don't see myself continuing them forever. As to what these stories are, I'm not sure - but more than likely Or War's End and Fruit Tarts, as well as Innate, It's Cold Here Without You, and Ever the Same. So, heads-up, I suppose?
That's pretty much it! I hope it's a good month.
EDIT: Five entries from now will mark this journal's 500th post. Should I do something special with it? What do you think?