Right, cutting it close again.
So, amidst entirely and inadvertantly re-writing my own personal canon for Habitual Mage, I ended up writing a shitload of fanfic, mostly for A:TLA but some, surprisingly, for Slayers and Shadow Raiders.
While lacking in ideas, I certainly have wanted to write, which ended up establishing the biggest fic meme I've ever done, to the point of actually filling all of the slots and getting them all done.
I've fallen back in love with Maiko, resulting in my writing for
Maiko100. I don't, however, post updates from that here, but I do update it in both fanfiction.net and avatar-fanfiction.com, in case you are curious.
Also signed up for
avatar_500 in hopes of channeling my energies into something fun.
So, that's it for now. The end.