Jiyeon’s posting from the past garners interest

Jul 21, 2010 04:11

Every star has once been normal just like everyone else, and T-ara’s superstar Jiyeon is no exception. Apparently, the girl once made a post online five years ago, asking what she must do in order to become a celebrity.

This post was made on Daum’s Knowledge, a Korean website similar to Yahoo Answers. Dated July 3rd, 2005, a post titled, “To become a celebrity?” was uploaded by ckarlfmarhcn (written as 참기름고추 in Korean, meaning “oil pepper”). Inside the post, a picture of a girl is attached along a brief introduction of herself.

“What do you have to do to become a celebrity ,, ?

I want to become a celebrity…TT

My age is 13.

My eyes are big and many people tell me that I look like Kim Tae Hee.

People also tell me that I should become a celebrity.

This is my picture, but I look much better in real life.”

This is very interesting, since the girl did end up being one of the biggest idol stars K-pop industry has right now. Netizens who recently discovered this answered to the post, “I am from the future. Five years from now, you will star in movies and dramas,” “This site must be holy,” “She looks so adorable,” etc.

Jiyeon’s representative stated, “We didn’t know about the existence of this post either, but we are pretty sure that the girl really is Jiyeon.”


this is the cutest thing i have ever seen...


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