Oops: G-Dragon and Lee Sun-kyun banned from leaving the country

Oct 27, 2023 15:22

Police have banned Lee Sun-kyun (48) and G-Dragon (Kwon Ji-yong, 35) from leaving the country.

An official from Incheon Police Agency revealed in a phone with My Daily on the 27th, "We confirmed they're currently in the country and issued a ban through the Ministry of Justice. We plan to conduct a drug test soon to check whether they've used drugs, what type, and frequency of use."

Police also confiscated a cell phone of room salon manager A (29) and have requested digital forensic work. They plan to analyze A's call history to confirm the charges against actor Lee Sung-kyun and G-Dragon and investigate whether there are any additional drug suspects.

sources: dailynaver, MyDaily

edit: aaaaaaah mods I accidentally used the wrong tag, please remove the Lee Sung-Kyung tag! She has nothing to do with it 😭

drugs, g-dragon, actor/actress

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