#EXID 10주년 스페셜 오프닝쇼💃🏻
#위아래 #핫핑크 #알러뷰 그리고 지금은 샴페인 치얼스 중🥂
https://t.co/nAhuwZqaFT pic.twitter.com/E8VkuJ6ZSA- NOW. (@kr_now)
August 13, 2022 #EXID 와
#LEGGO 10주년 생일파티는 끝났지만 곧 큰 거 온다는 스포일러도 흘렸고🥂 고맙고 사랑하고 앞으로 더 오래 길게 보자는 약속의 포옹샷 남겨요❤️
#WE_ARE_EXID #NOW온에어 pic.twitter.com/GRSomxTtvK- NOW. (@kr_now)
August 13, 2022 they also all posted the same picture on Instagram, except for Hani, who posted the pic in the Tweet with the hugging:
https://instagram.com/p/ChMNiZpplnu the broadcast was yesterday and hasn't been subbed yet. it was around 2 hours long.
source: kr_now
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