Happy Birthday to Monsta X's Shownu

Jun 17, 2022 12:19

❤ HBD ❤ #MONSTAX #SHOWNU #몬스타엑스 ' #셔누'의
생일을 축하합니다🎂🎉 #MONSTA_X #HBDtoSHOWNU #우리의여름엔_언제나_셔누가있어 pic.twitter.com/px9dQKuxSW
- STARSHIP Ent. (@STARSHIPent) June 17, 2022

You know what time it is:

같이 있으면 괜히 말 걸고 싶고 장난치고 싶은 사람
그만큼 내가 많이 아끼고 좋아하는 사람
별게 아니여도 별거를 특별하게 만드는 사람
오늘 이 세상에서 모든 축하와 사랑
다 형이 받아라
아프지말고 늙어서도 지금처럼 살자
생일 축하해 보고싶다 #IM #우리의여름엔_언제나_셔누가있어 pic.twitter.com/e9MpOFvCIY
- 몬스타엑스_MONSTA X (@OfficialMonstaX) June 17, 2022

"a person I want to talk and joke around with, that's a person I love and cheerish a lot, a person that makes separation (enlistment) feel special even when it's nothing special, today for you all the congratulations and love of the world, please take it all. Don't get sick, let's live like we are now. I want to wish you a happy birthday"

우리 셔누형 생일 축하하고~
우리형 아프지말고 건강하기만 했음 좋겠다 나는😊 앨범에 우리가 같이 찍은사진이 참 많드라~ 그래서 좀 꺼내와봤어~!! #주헌 #우리의여름엔_언제나_셔누가있어 pic.twitter.com/I1lWwVFOjk
- 몬스타엑스_MONSTA X (@OfficialMonstaX) June 17, 2022

"our shownu happy birthday~ I hope you don't get sick and stay healthy. we took a lot of photos during (the recording of) the album~ so I took them out (=posting it)~!!"

우리 사랑하는 셔누형
종종 보지만 항상 보고싶고 얼른 활동 같이하고
싶다 형
복무중에 처음 맞는 생일인데 형이 좋아하는
음식 잔뜩 챙겨먹고 항상 건강 잘 챙기고
같이 몬베베들 앞에서 활동하자 형
사랑하고 생일축하해!! #기현 #우리의여름엔_언제나_셔누가있어 pic.twitter.com/dtUZ8jQ8bb
- 몬스타엑스_MONSTA X (@OfficialMonstaX) June 17, 2022

"our beloved shownu

even if I see you often, I always miss you. Hurry up so we can promote together (again), I want to. it's the first birthday while you're on military service, so I hope you eat what you like and take care of your health. Let's do promos together in front of monbebes. I love you, happy birthday!!"

우리형 생일 너무 축하하고 몬베베만큼 많이 보고싶네요.같이 무대 다시 설 날을 기대하며 그때까지 형 팔뚝 3분의2까지 만들어 놓을게요.맛있는 거 많이 먹어요🕺 #형원 #우리의여름엔_언제나_셔누가있어 pic.twitter.com/S8CNpULK2n
- 몬스타엑스_MONSTA X (@OfficialMonstaX) June 17, 2022

"Happy birthday to our shownu, I miss you as much as Monbebe. I look forward to the day we will be on stage again and until then, I will make up to two-thirds of your forearm. Eat a lot of delicious food #hyungwon"

#민혁 #우리의여름엔_언제나_셔누가있어 pic.twitter.com/P3hNCDjczS
- 몬스타엑스_MONSTA X (@OfficialMonstaX) June 17, 2022

"shownu, as I said many times, I wanna be on stage with you, I like it so much. When I say hi for the team (whoo~ monsta x) standing on stage, your empty space is bigger than I imagined. this time, we are celebrating your birthday being in Japan, and it feels like a different colour hh (as in it doesn't feel as always) I want to be with you as soon as possible hehe have a happy birthday"

Happy Birthday to this goober!!!

source: STARSHIPent & OfficialMonstaX 1 2 3 4 5, translations via monstax-info

#shownu, #hyungwon, #hbdtoshownu, #monsta_x, #im, #몬스타엑스, #주헌, monsta x, birthday, #monstax, #형원

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