Park Yoochun’s Reps Clarify His Plans After Announcing Photo Book And Autograph Event

Mar 21, 2020 07:32

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As a reminder (and Soompi doesn't include this in their article), we have still not heard any results from the investigation (announced in July 2019) into the bribery allegation in Park Yoochun's 2016 sexual assault investigation in which police recommended he not be indicted after four women filed complaints against him. See the Omona post here.

Soompi article:
After it was announced that Park Yoochun will be releasing a photo book and holding an autograph event, a representative has responded to questions about his future plans.

On March 20, someone close to Park Yoochun told OSEN, “The release of the photo book is just as it says in the post uploaded on social media. It’s true that he is holding an autograph event for people who buy the photo book.”

In regards to a potential return to the entertainment industry, the representative stated, “As of yet, he’s just releasing a photo book. There’s nothing to say about concrete plans. I just hope that people won’t look upon this in a bad light.”

Park Yoochun announced on March 20 that he is releasing a photo book titled “SOMEDAY.” The description of the book states, “The sunflower, which symbolizes Park Yoochun, means ‘waiting’ in the language of flowers. There are many kinds of ‘waiting’ in this world. ‘SOMEDAY’ when you wait for someone you love can be a joyful thing, and to someone else ‘SOMEDAY’ could be a heartbreaking longing. The word ‘waiting’ contains many different emotions and feelings at the same time. The photo book ‘SOMEDAY’ includes Park Yoochun’s interpretation of the many emotions captured within the word ‘waiting’ through his own unique style.”

The photo book is 160 pages and costs 75 dollars, and an autograph event will be held in June for 1,000 of the people who purchased the book, chosen through a raffle.

When Park Yoochun recently launched official social media accounts, a source also stated that he currently has no plans to make a comeback to the entertainment industry. After his photo book was announced, many people have been wondering again if Park Yoochun is essentially making a return to the industry, despite the initial denial.

This has sparked criticism due to Park Yoochun’s previous statements made during his drug use-related controversy last year. In April 2019, Park Yoochun held a press conference where he denied all allegations regarding him using illegal drugs. He stated, “I came here with a desperate heart because if I am found guilty of the suspicions, even more problematic than having to stop activities as the celebrity Park Yoochun and retiring, is the fact that my whole life will be unjust.”

After a drug test on Park Yoochun came back positive, his then agency C-JeS Entertainment terminated his exclusive contract and announced he would be retiring from the industry.

In July, he was charged with purchasing 1.5 grams of Philopon and injecting the drug on several occasions. After admitting to this violation of the Narcotics Control Act, he was given a 10-month prison sentence suspended for two years of probation, as well as a 1.4 million won (approximately $1,180) fine. This means that if he commits an offense during the probation period, he will be sentenced to prison for 10 months. Following the court’s ruling, Park Yoochun apologized to his fans while speaking with reporters.

Source: naver via soompi | The Korea Herald | omona 1 2

douche, sexual harassment / sexual assault, drugs, court / legal issues, crime, scandals, yoochun

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