Park Yoochun To Pay Large Amount In Damages After Mediations For Sexual Assault Case Come To A Close

Sep 18, 2019 10:00

#ParkYoochun To Pay Large Amount In Damages After Mediations Come To A Close
- Soompi (@soompi) September 17, 2019

In the damages suit between Park Yoochun and the second woman who accused him of sexual assault (hereafter referred to as “A”), the amount by which Park Yoochun is to compensate “A” has been agreed upon.

The courts previously ordered a mandatory mediation, and after a hangup due to the resignation of Park Yoochun’s lawyers and an address change, Park Yoochun received the mediation proposal on August 27.

Because Park Yoochun did not object to the proposal within two weeks (by September 11), the terms have been accepted by default, and Park Yoochun will have one month to pay the agreed upon amount, which has been reported as close to 100 million won (approximately $84,400).

The legal representative of “A” said, “The compensation is large, but there is a clause in which the amount must be kept secret for a month, so we are unable to disclose the exact figure.” According to reports, in the event that Park Yoochun does not comply, they are planning to enforce the matter by taking steps to seize Park Yoochun’s assets.

source: soompi 1 2,

sexual harassment / sexual assault, court / legal issues, yoochun

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