How Much Do K-Pop Idols Make?

Jan 29, 2018 01:03

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- Acts signed to the Big 3 (SM, JYP, and YG) get paid as soon as they debut

-The other companies, generally have the "break-even" standard: Artists don't earn wages until their debt to their agency has been paid off.

-Debt includes: Training fees (classes, instructor salaries, room and board), Music production fees (studio times, paying songwriters, producers, Debut and CB fees (music video budget, promotional budget, album shoot, choreo), Other staff expenses (stylists, makeup, managers, PAs), etc.

-Average K-pop rookie group gets $4,000 US per show in Korea. Typical split is Company 90% Artist 10% split (or 80/20).

-Idols don't even get their 10-20% take until the break-even is reached. (Once it is reached take the 10-20% and divide it among how many group members to estimate what % each idol makes

-In JJCC they got more shows at the beginning, but when nugus don't catch on they get less and less shows as time goes on, yet are still racking up debts to their agency for room/board etc.

-Talks AOA as an example: first few years they were average girl group. Didn't hit it big until their 3rd year. Took them the whole third year as Top 5 girl group in Korea to reach their break-even after debts for first two less successful years + trainee days. Includes Seolhyun doing tons of CFs, Jimin getting famous from Unpretty Rap star and Choa doing variety.

-Supports Produce 101 and Mixnine for giving a second chance to idols

Contract years: 7
Physical sales: Company (95), Artist (5)
Physical sales renewed: Company (90), Artist (10)
Events: Company (60), Artist (40)
Overseas promotions: Company (30), Artist (70)
Note: Divides income even if they didn't reach break-even point

Contract years: 5
Physical sales: Company (50), Artist (50)
Physical sales renewed: Company (30), Artist (70)
Events: Company (40), Artist (60)
Overseas promotions: Company (50), Artist (50)
Note: Divides income even if they didn't reach break-even point

Contract years: 7
Physical sales: Company (50), Artist (50)
Physical sales renewed: Company (50), Artist (50)
Events: Company (60), Artist (40)
Overseas promotions: Company (50), Artist (50)
Note: Divides income even if they didn't reach break-even point

Contract years: 7
Physical sales: Company (70), Artist (30)
Physical sales renewed: Company (50), Artist (50)
Events: Company (60), Artist (40)
Overseas promotions: Company (50), Artist (50)
Note: Doesn't divide income if they didn't reach break-even point

Contract years: 5
Physical sales: Company (50), Artist (50)
Physical sales renewed: Company (50), Artist (50)
Events: Company (50), Artist (50)
Overseas promotions: Company (50), Artist (50)
Note: Divides income even if they didn't reach break-even point

Contract years: 13
Physical sales: Company (99), Artist (1)
Physical sales renewed: Company (98), Artist (2)
Events: Company (97), Artist (3)
Overseas promotions: Company (96), Artist (4)
Note: Divides income even if they didn't reach break-even point

Sources:Henry Prince Mak YOUTUBE
K-Pop Fans Blogspot

economics, aoa, jjcc

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