I was getting tired of the "_________ then ________" posts (although I came up with an idea for one for later ohohoho) so I decided to make a not-one-of-those posts.
You see, ladies and some gentlemen, I myself at this moment am quite ill, as you can tell by my typing. (what?) I have spent the last two days in bed with a stuffy face and raspy voice and runny nose and 100+ fever playing Pokemon: LeafGreen on my PSP or reading webcomics.
I've beat four gym leaders and read the entirety of two webcomics in the past two days! Go me!
But here's the real point.... Has anything really weird ever happened to you while being sick? Weird hallucinations, not remembering things... etc?
For example yesterday I looked down and my pencil was in my bed with me, and I looked over... And things were written on my wall. Things about SHINee and how they were pokemon, and I don't remember doing it. What?
To add to that, I couldn't fall asleep (or at least I think I couldn't) because I was hearing people talking to/at/about me and how I was never going to be able to sleep until someone came and fixed my dreams.
So tell me, O_L Charlies... What weird things have happened to you while sick? What do you do to pass the time when you're sick?