
Jul 02, 2004 08:27

so i'm sitting here, in the computer lab. typing an essay on the moral failings of society. (my teacher picked the topic, not me). and i'm trying not to sound like one of those crazy guys in the street yelling "repent" but its not working. bah. thsi sucks. i hope i don't get a bad grade for soundingl ike that stupid johnathan edwards guy, talking about spiders hanging over the hellfire and all that mess. O.o that guy was psycho. even worse than pat robertson. ok here's the paper. DISCLAIMER: KEEP IN MIND THAT I EXAGGERATED JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING, AND THIS ISN'T NECESSARILY MY REAL OPINION. I JUST DECIDED TO SOUND PASSIONATE ABOUT EVERYTHING AS AN EXCUSE TO USE BIG WORDS. SO IF ANYONE COMMENTS ABOUT HOW THEY THINK I'M A PSYCHO, I'M JUST GONNA LAUGH AT THEIR ILLITERACY!!!! here goes.

Every day it seems as if modern people have no morals. Murders committed everywhere, wars abound, con artists constantly cheating people out of their money, people shoplift without a thought. What is the reason? People just do “whatever makes them feel good.” Sadly, I do agree with the results of this study as it seems so many people have abandoned morals and their honor for something much lower, and that is simply personal gain. It would seem the three biggest morals trampled on every day are honor, chastity, and resolve.

First and foremost, the value that is most downtrodden daily is honor. People gossip about each other and backstab each other constantly. Politicians stretch the truth about everything, even commit adultery in the very place where they’re supposed to be making decisions for the good of the people. World leaders, who are supposed to be guardians of people’s rights, instead oppress those they are charged to protect and commit mass murders, then have the nerve to call themselves “President” in a trial even though they fixed the election. In other cases, kids shoot up schools and society blames the media rather than taking responsibility for their own actions and doing their best to be better parents. Democracy itself is all about responsibility and honor. However, instead people complain about the government and then don’t have the courage to go out and vote. I think people need to take responsibility and be more honest, and every effort should be made to punish those leaders and other people who break their duty to be just.

The second value that is constantly abused is chastity. Everywhere are people promiscuous. Spouses are always cheating on each other, and celebrities, who should act as role models, change marriages in the same way they change their shoes. AIDS and other horrendous STDs are rampant, especially among our youth. Countless babies are born blind because their promiscuous mothers are infected with syphilis. Even the sanctity of life is desecrated by people who see abortion as a not just ridding oneself of an unwanted pregnancy, but a valid method of birth control.

The third value that people fail to follow is resolution. It is said the average New Year’s resolution only lasts three days. People can’t even get jobs because they’re lazy and so they live off the people who do work through welfare. Even my neighbor, who is supposedly a professional musician and is near 30 years old, still lives with his mother and sits at home all day. Students can’t even gain the tiniest bit of motivation to complete a simple homework assignment or even do their work in class. Instead they copy each other’s answers and fail anyways because of wrong answers, when a quick glance at a textbook could’ve earned them a 100. Truly, I fear for the world when my generation comes to rule it.

Why has this happened? In my opinion, I believe this was caused by America’s rise to power. Coming after the “greatest generation” made America one of the most powerful countries in the world, we became lazy and spoiled, fat and lecherous and drunken with the height of our own power. In one popular movie released in Japan called Battle Royale II, one character recounts the name of every country that America has occupied in the past fifty years. There are over fourty. He also states how we are so arrogant, that we think to impose our definition of freedom on other countries, when there are six billion people in this world. That is six billion different definitions of freedom and what people want, and we think to impose ours on everyone because of our nativist foolishness.

Even the great empire of Rome fell because of the immorality and democratic indifference of its people and the corruption of its leaders. In conclusion, I think Americans need to seriously look at their behavior and change unless we want to be the next Roman Empire.

now that i'm done with my work...w00t to francis for showing me how to bypass the damn proxy so now i can go to any site i want!!! XDDDDDDDDD fools and their stupid symantec.
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