
Feb 17, 2004 20:13

Advanced Big 30 Personality Test Results
Sociability ||||||||||||||||||||| 62% Gregariousness |||||||||||||||||| 54% Assertiveness |||||||||||||||||| 58% Activity Level |||||||||||| 38% Excitement-Seeking ||||||||||||||||||||| 66% Enthusiasm ||||||||||||||||||||| 62% Extroversion |||||||||||||||||| 56% Trust ||||||||||||||||||||| 62% Morality ||||||||||||||||||||| 66% Altruism ||||||||||||||||||||| 70% Cooperation ||||||||||||||| 42% Modesty ||||||||||||||| 46% Sympathy |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74% Friendliness |||||||||||||||||| 60% Competence |||||||||||||||||| 58% Neatness |||||||||||| 38% Dutifulness ||||||||||||||||||||| 62% Achievement ||||||||||||||||||||| 62% Self-Discipline ||||||||||||||| 42% Cautiousness ||||||||||||||||||||| 66% Orderliness |||||||||||||||||| 54% Anxiety ||||||||||||||| 42% Volatility |||||||||||||||||| 54% Depression ||||||||||||||| 46% Self-Consciousness |||||||||||||||||| 58% Impulsiveness |||||||||||||||||| 58% Vulnerability ||||||||||||||| 46% Emotional Stability ||||||||||||||| 50% Imagination |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82% Artistic Interests ||||||||||||||||||||| 70% Emotionality |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86% Adventurousness ||||||||||||||||||||| 66% Intellect |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86% Liberalism ||||||||| 30% Openmindedness ||||||||||||||||||||| 70% Take Free Advanced Big 30 Personality Test

1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
2. Bold the things that you have in common with me.
3. Whatever you don't bold, replace with things about you.

01. I have a cellphone, but my parents are constantly taking it. And I have a car, but I can't drive it alone just yet...besides that its a van and it handles like a damn bathtub on wheels.
02. I have never heard of the Drill Team and I'm content with that.
03. I always love the idea of something more than the reality.
04. I hope that life in Heaven will be all I expect it to be and more...despite the fact that I have no idea what I expect
05. I love spring. Summer rocks too.
06. I do have migraines, and it fricking sucks. I always throw up when I get them, and this one time I threw up so hard that I broke all the capillaries (little blood vessels near the surface of the skin) in my face, so I had like red dots all over.
07. I want a different profession, even though I’m really good at what I do.(Which is nothing!) I'm a student, I don't wanna be that forever! -.-;;;;
08. I only enjoy the company of one sex more than the other depending on the person. I guess...?
09. I don't really care too much for or against Ashton Kutcher...he acts like a dumbass, but That 70s Show is hilarious. And I heard he actually does a really good job in The Butterfly Effect.
10. I can't help but love pretty things, even if they're useless.
11. I believe that something like the Force might exist.
12. Paradise can sometimes come while in prayer.
13. I wish I took more pictures so I could keep memories forever. But I"m a crappy photographer.
14. I like to read fiction.
15. I read a lot already, but not as much as I used to...there's just always so much to do, especially with school and stuff. >.<

16. I need to get out of my house [dorm].
17. I hope I end up where I have imagined myself.
18. I love learning.
19. I want to gain power through changing the world for the better. But its probably not gonna happen. I'm so idealistic, but I can't help it.
20. The written word is sometimes bullshit.
21. Given the right situation, the idea of being in a serious relationship doesn't frighten me at all.
22. I hope to lose my virginity through a mutual loving relationship, even if it doesn't happen to last. Note: I don't think premarital sex is necessarily wrong, although I am Catholic.
23. I frequently dream about a place I haven't been in months.
24. I love to make people laugh. When I can. Most of the time if i try I just feel kinda dumb though.
25. I wish there was something I could master. Definitely. But there doesn't seem to be, at the moment.
26. I don't want you to go away. <---Generally directed at all my friends. And my grandpa. He has to have some kinda heart surgery on monday, cause they think there's a chance he may have another heart attack...but as of yet (2-28-04) its not serious.
27. I relive the past in my mind often.
28. I find people whom others think are beautiful less than stellar. You have no idea.
29. I love the thin air you breathe in the mountains.
30. I like slow, "boring" movies. And books. And games. Xenosaga, anyone?
31. I always do shit like this. LOL
32. I am always afraid of running over and into stuff, even on bikes. I'm so clumsy.
33. I hate when people ask me what my favorite CD of all time is, for the sole purpose of judging me. generally doesn't happen, cause its not like tons of people wanna talk to me that don't know me already...but if it did, it would piss me off.
34. My hair should drive me nuts, but I don't care enough about my appearance for it to matter.
35. I usually carry on expected conversations in my head, but none of them ever occur. LOL I thought I was the only one who did this.
36. I desperately want children someday. but somehow I've always had the premonition that before I can get to where I really wanna be in life, with a wife, a job I like, and kids, something will happen and in the end I'll get screwed and be alone and lonely or dead or handicapped or poor or something before I accomplish it. Just like always.
37. I wish I were more outspoken about important things.
38. I sometimes worry about getting on people's nerves. Maybe I'm paranoid.
39. I think I might die early. Out of sheer bad luck.
40. I believe unicorns and dragons still do exist somewhere. Even if its only in people's minds...Thats more real than most people think.
41. Dreams could be windows into your innermost depths. I'm not really sure.
42. Lonesomeness keeps me awake at night. Definitely.
43. The people in the Union disgust me. The South had much more admirable people in it. However, issue-wise, I think I agree with the Union more.
44. Aethiest beliefs aren't that bad right now, but if too many people were, it might be dangerous.
45. Things are going to change in this country very soon. Hopefully for the better. I hope Bush gets re-elected.
46. I believe that I was born into the wrong time period. (medieval Japan or Japan in 1800s, anyone?)
47. I often try to picture myself having kids. It doesn't work.
48. I have a good vocabulary because I read so much.
49. I still watch cartoons. anime.
50. Absence daylight due to clouds makes me feel weird. Sometimes in a cool way, sometimes in a depressing way.
51. I want to be equal to someone I love.
52. I don't think I'm really afraid of big cities, but I do have a very terrible sense of direction.
53. I love to find money in my coat pockets.
54. I think I have a lot of good friends, and worry about not having them too much.
55. I'd rather be a samurai. Ninja are awesome too though.
56. I don’t listen to most morons.
57. I don't like close-minded people.
58. I sometimes feel very, very fragile.
59. What is this crazy stuff the kids are listening to these days?
60. I sometimes think I probably don't care enough about my appearance. oh well.
61. Republicans rock.
62. I am overly critical, a lot of the time and sometimes I'm probably not critical enough.
63. I overreact about things sometimes.
64. I'd never wanna be famous. nor I imagine myself as such, cause I probably couldn't be even if I did want to.
65. I want to live outside of the country one day. Maybe.
66. I hate it when there is religious discrimination.
67. Certain songs, without fail, make me examine my life every time I listen to them.
68. See the ones on appearance...
69. I love being childish, though I'm desperate to grow up. At the same time, I never wanna grow up.
70. Part of me never wants to leave. but part of me can't wait to leave!
71. I love road-trips with amazing music and laid back friends. But I hate ciggarettes.
72. I am a horrible procrastinator. like you wouldn't believe.
73. I wish that daily life was just a little more abstract.
74. I can't figure out the allure of being drunk. why would you wanna be drunk?
75. Well, I think I know my brother pretty well. But you never know, I guess.
76. I want my children to be smart and beautiful. The smart part is more important.
77. Friendly bear hugs are fun to give.
78. I have no idea and I'm not going to take the time to find out. Huh?
79. I hate smoking. It's suicide. As a habit, anyways, Even not as a habit, its dumb.
80. I love my home. Sometimes.
81. I don't want to be famous.
82. I am sensitive, but believe I don't often show it. And sometimes I show it too much and get hurt.
83. I never feel good about tests in the few minutes after having them. depends on the test.
84. I haven't read Hamlet
85. I try too hard to get into relationships and feel I shouldn't have to. Am I really that bad? I hope not.
86. I think masturbating is severely overrated. Depends on who's rating it.
87. I know things that are of some use, and some that aren't.
88. Slang often confuses me. lol I'm such a dork.
89. I seem to know a lot of megalomaniacs...I'm not one, but I guess I'd support them depending on how they handled it if one them ever came out on top.
90. I like to dance around my house. ssshhhh....Nobody is supposed to know that!
91. I love the idea of Japanese stuff. Awesome.
92. I would love to be the savior of the world like the people in books and videogames.
93. I'm always broke. It sucks.
94. I love to laugh.
95. When high school is gone, where will we be?
96. I would like to be able to see all my friends whenever I wanted. That would be so awesome. Its way too hard to get everyone together.
97. I don't want to be famous.
98. I absolutely hate blatant braggarts. I can't stand arrogance.
99. Filling this thing out has taken too long. WAAAAAY too long.
100. I wish I could better help those who are depressed. Sometimes I wish people could betterhelp me when I'm depressed, too.
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