The Things You Need Most. (One-Shot)

Feb 22, 2011 23:38

Fandom: Big Bang
Pairing: BaeRi (Taeyang & Seungri)
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Smut/Romance
Warning: *Forceful Bebe
Summary: Seungri knows what he needs and wants it to be what Youngbae wants.
A/N: You know the drill. "I don't think this is good. Blah Blah Blah. Please read it anyway!"

“Get away from me,” Youngbae called before ramming the young man into the wall.

Seungri felt the impact of the building behind him, feeling the grooves between the bricks, the hard grains scratching him through his shirt as Youngbae grasped his collar, using all his force to push him into the wall. He knew he shouldn’t have pushed it, that Youngbae just wanted to be alone but he didn’t. Not right now, not ever. He felt Youngbae’s balled up fists press against his collarbone, the look in his eyes desperate, his eyebrows knitted upward together. Youngbae’s jaw shivered from the cold, his jacket still inside. Not that Seungri was immune to the chill, even with a hoodie.
            “Hyung,” he heard himself squeak out as Youngbae continued to push him against the building, the alleyway they were in desolate and dark, his dark eyes gleaming in the sliver of light from above the doorway they had barreled out of moments before. He could feel his heartbeat racing, his mouth had become dry and as he reached to pull Youngbae’s hands off of him, he was lifted and slammed again, the anger pulsing through Youngbae’s veins, rising off his skin, scaring the younger man, who groaned at the impact of the second blow. He could feel his eyes tearing and he didn’t know if it was due to the pain or the fact Youngbae could ever be this rough with him, the thought of him ever hurting anything had seemed so distant only minutes ago.

“Just...forget about it.” The older man’s voice was softer than his first command, more similar to a plea, as his grip loosened, his face apologetic. “Forget it happened.”

How can I just forget?

How could he forget it? It had changed everything. The heavy breathing, the way Youngbae’s heart had beat so strongly, the way Seungri could feel it through his skin as he ran his hand along his chest, the sweat dripping between their two bodies as he felt him inside of him, the sound of Youngbae’s voice, soft but urgent, pleading to let him finish inside, how could he forget any of that?

“I can’t,” he spoke lowly.

Youngbae reaffirmed his grip, shaking Seungri’s body. “I need you to,” he barely spoke, fighting the urge to scream, tearing up from sheer frustration. Seungri brought his hands up to his captors, resting them there as Youngbae once again loosened his grip, his panted breaths becoming slower. Seungri let his hands travel down his veiny forearms, pressing them down, encouraging his arms to bend, his body to be closer. He began to encroach, his mouth inches away from Youngbae’s.

“Seung Hyun-“ Youngbae spoke.

Seungri stopped at the use of his name. It was something he had never called him. Seungri took in the scent of his cologne, its familiar scent sparking a desire in him. He felt all his blood rushing in him, a familiar adrenaline that could only be sparked by the man who stood there, his fists unfurled as his hands lay lightly on his chest. He knew it was one last plea from him. Please, let it go. Please don’t do this. But Seungri didn’t want to let it go. It was the last thing he would ever do. He brought his lips to Youngbae’s slowly as his hand ghosted down his torso, grabbing a hold to his belt buckle.

“Don’t. Not here,” Youngbae said pulling back. He turned his head momentarily before feeling Seungri’s hand stroking him through his jeans.

“Stop,” he interjected into the empty alleyway as he slapped Seungri’s hand away. The young man stepped away from the wall and closer to him, pressing his body against his. He knew if Youngbae really didn’t want it he’d step back again and he prayed he didn’t. Maybe then he’d actually have to give up. Yet, he merely stood still as he felt Seungri’s bulge grow against his stomach, his own growing harder right beneath his. He drew a line up the older’s neck with his tongue, starting where his collar lay and working his way up, and although he heard a low mutter asking him to stop, he laid little kisses on Youngbae’s jaw line, the man reluctantly raising his head to give him better access. He slowly lowered himself, getting on his knees, his eyes remaining on Youngbae whose mouth was parted, his mind unable to decide whether it was something he wanted or not.

“Please, don’t. Just don’t,” he muttered, breathily.
            Seungri felt a soft smile creep over his face. He knew he had him. He reached for Youngbae’s waist, his icy fingers brushing his skin and then undoing his belt buckle, before Youngbae felt a frustration flush over him.

“Stop it. I said stop it.” He spoke lowly but lividly as he grabbed Seungri’s arm, dragging him up to his feet, his strength overcoming his lack of leverage.

“Ah,” Seungri moaned as Youngbae’s fingers dug in his arm. He immediately let him loose after the interjection, once again upset his anger got the best of him. Yet, with each time Seungri felt more reaffirmed, his role as the only one that got a rise out of him, the only one that pushed him that far, let him know he meant something. It was a fact that encouraged him to keep coming back for more, keep bothering him because he knew, one day he’d break it. One day he’d break through the ice and there he’d be, right in his heart. He heard Youngbae’s breaths become heavier, his anger growing just as it’d done earlier. He stepped back to his former spot and kissed Youngbae again, his lips refusing to part in response.

“I really mean it. Stop it,” his eyebrow raised, his voice even, hiding the slightest tremble only Seungri would recognize was there.

“I don’t want to,” he said quickly. “Hyung, I really don’t want to,” he reiterated, in a cutesy voice that he knew annoyed him. He reached for the button of Youngbae’s pants before the man grabbed his arm and swung him around while pushing him forward. Seungri’s feet stumbled, working with Youngbae before they could get their footing. He found himself against the wall again. He couldn’t help but let a short laugh ring out, pleased with the rise out of him he’d gotten. He felt Youngbae’s body press against his, his voice reaching his ears, the words meant to sound piercing but still, even when he was angry, his voice sounded sweet.

“You don’t want to. You really want it here? Okay then,” Youngbae’s voice was taut with irritation and the fact he knew that Seungri wasn’t exactly displeased with his position exacerbated it all. He pressed his other palm into Seungri’s shoulder and his knees bent a bit as he tried to get from underneath Youngbae’s hold. His attempt only brought him closer, Youngbae stepping forward and grinding into his body.

“I’ll give you what you want,” he said before reaching around him and unbuttoning his jeans, the heavy breathing of the two, fading in the air as little clouds of smoke. He unzipped them before grabbing a hold of the back of Seungri’s neck, making him reflexively bend over and follow him as he stepped back away from the wall a bit.

Seungri gave out another low pitched laugh of pleasure, his youth filling it’s body, ringing out through the alley. Youngbae was still not amused, all the blood gathering, rushing to his member as he leaned closer to Seungri.

“I’m going to fuck you,” he spoke words he’d normally never speak as he ran a hand through Seungri’s short hair before grabbing it and tugging fiercely. He began to undo his own pants. As he tugged Seungri’s pants down roughly, exposing his ass to the cold air, causing him to shiver a bit, he grabbed Seungri by the arm, bringing it behind his body as Seungri used his other to steady himself against the wall. He was crouched and bent, his teeth pressed into his tongue. He anticipated the feeling of the man’s member pressed into his entrance, ready to receive him.

Youngbae spit into his hand and slicked it over his throbbing member, his cock stiff, its veins pulsing to the rhythm of his fastened heart. He pressed it against Seungri’s entrance before hesitating.

“Fuck, hyung, just do it,” he yelled loudly, spurring the older to ram inside of him, the pain shocking up his spine, as Youngbae fell forward, moaning and savoring the boy’s tightness, his body gripping around his member. He grinded into him as he grabbed his sides.

Seungri moaned out into the night air as Youngbae began to pound into him. The stronger of the two quickened his pace excited by the pleasure shocking through his member. Seungri brought a hand back steadying himself by placing it on Youngbae’s thigh, his fingers digging tighter into the denim at the end of every stroke as the pain ended with a giant jolt of pleasure.

“Oh God, hyung,” he called out as Youngbae gripped his sides, pounding even harder. Every thrust made Seungri’s head swim. He felt Youngbae rub his chest from under his shirt as he grinded into him, the pain smaller yet still there, piercing into him. Youngbae’s fingers flicked over Seungri’s nipples as he continued before he lowered his hand, reaching and grabbing Seungri’s member, stroking the younger man as he continued with a rougher rhythm. Seungri felt himself coming close and as Youngbae tightened his grip he knew Youngbae felt the same. His pace quickened, his fist pumping up and down quickly before Seungri moaned out his name as he felt himself release, his essence shooting on the wall in front of him as Youngbae filled Seungri with his own, their grunts mixing together in the cold night air. Seungri sighed, a last dull pain resonated in him as Youngbae withdrew from his body. He heard shuffling behind him as he pulled his pants up, not turning away from the wall he was leaning on.

“Seungri,” Youngbae muttered out.

“I won’t push it anymore. If you don’t want this-”

He couldn’t make him be okay with all this. He wasn’t sure he even wanted to. He turned around as his eyes focused to Youngbae’s black sneakers. “I won’t say anything anymore.”

“Seungri, I- I don’t want this. At all.”

“I know. I get it.”

Seungri prepared himself for what was to come. The image of seeing Youngbae stagger out of the alleyway ahead of him, the fact he would have to stifle the urge to cry until he knew Youngbae was out of earshot. He was wondering just how long he would have to look at Youngbae’s shoes, just how long he would feel his dark eyes staring at him as if he was some pathetic charity case, when he watched the man take a step forward as he felt his arms reach around him.

Youngbae pulled the younger man to him, grabbing hold to him tightly, bracing himself against a sudden gust of wind that came their direction.

“I don’t want it… but I need it. I need you,” he spoke softly.

He softly led him against the wall again, making sure not to press him too hard onto his already bruised back before kissing him gently, their lips caressing each other softly. Seungri felt his heart beat rising, he grabbed Youngbae’s hand, running it down his own chest, as he urged him to deepen the kiss, pressing his tongue through all the gaps he could, desperately wanting more, his desire allowing him to ignore the throbbing pain in his back, the bruises that also lay on his arm. Youngbae had been so rough but he was now tentative, as if it was his first kiss, pulling back nervously from the advances of Seungri’s tongue, touching every surface of his body lightly, barely feeling his form through his clothes. Seungri moved his arm around him, pulling him closer, wanting to feel his body on his before Youngbae whispered in his ear.

“I’ve always needed this.”

taeyang, fanfic, baeri, smut, seungri

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