Kingka Kiss (2/9)

Sep 03, 2012 23:30

Fandom: Big Bang
Pairing: G-TOP / BaeRi / Minji+Daesung
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff/Romance

Summary: It's a year after  kingka high started and Seungri and Youngbae are just learning to be a couple, Jiyong and Seunghyun are trying to stay a couple, and Minji and Daesung are trying to establish their own relationships, but it just may not be with each other! Just as Seungri and Youngbae get used to their couple's routine a secret begins to complicate things especially with Minji in the middle. The young lovers just might not make it this time, especially if Jiyong helps them part ways. His hobby is manipulating people for sport, after all.

[A/N: Reposting this from AFF since it's finished :) Hope you like it. ]

Minji walked in to the supply store where Youngbae used to work and grabbed a hand basket. Her oppa had given her a bit of money to pick up extra school supplies gruffly, forcing her to take it. She felt awfully spoiled. Her orphanage had already provided simple supplies, generic but useful. Youngbae always indulged her, allowing her to have Hello Kitty erasers and strawberry stickers, cute little customizations to put on her things.
As she passed through the aisles she remembered running into Seungri the night they all ended up walking home together. They had cleaned up together, closing the store with Youngbae and annoying him on purpose, placing things in the wrong place and having broom sword fights as Youngbae quietly fixed their mistakes. Things had changed over the summer. She wanted their times to be fun together like then but they hadn’t been. Seungri always seemed distant, like he didn’t want her around when they hung out. It didn’t make things easier for things with Youngbae either, who usually ushered her away when Seungri called him and texted him. She understood they had gotten close but she had always thought both of them liked her around.  Now that her relationship with Youngbae had changed, every thing was different.

“Cute, huh?”

She had been staring at a tall display of custom school supplies, cartoon characters all over them.

“Uhm, yeah. I guess.” She turned to look at the source of the question. He stood next to her with dyed brown hair, his smile warm and his teeth bright. His voice was raspy and sweet and he held a broom in his hand. He must work here now.

“I haven’t seen you in a long time.” Daesung said turning towards her.

“Hunh?” Minji tried to remember seeing him at all.

“We go to the same school.”

Her mouth formed an o shape as she nodded. She really didn’t remember him at all. Moments like this she felt awkward and bad for her memory falling short but she really didn’t think she had met him before.

“You don’t- you don’t remember me?”

Minji smiled apologetically wishing this moment would end.

“Your oppas and I would play all the time. You called me oppa…once,” Daesung side glanced as he amended his statement, “Like that one time… You don’t remember.”

Minji thought back to following Youngbae around when she was a little girl.

“Come with me. You’re my friend.” He had said at the park when she was younger, taking her hand and dragging her to meet his schoolyard buddies. There had been five of them including her. There was Jiyong who was bossy, Seunghyun who was funny, she was the newest addition and then there was Seunghyun’s friend, who- well, she didn’t remember him well.

“Seunghyun’s friend!” She said smiling, glad to at least have placed him.

He smiled, embarrassed. “Well, my name is Daesung.”

“Oh right! That day, we hung out at the park. You split your pants,” Minji recalled cheerfully, “Jiyong was laughing at you. I felt so bad,” Minji stopped smiling, realizing that moment wouldn’t be exactly a happy one for him.

Daesung’s face turned red. He really didn’t want her to remember that. They had all been little but she had been even younger. Even still, she stood her ground, stepping in front of Daesung and declaring they should all just leave him alone. He hadn’t thought about it much since until he saw the new freshmen. There she was, smiling with her friends, a smile that sent him into a reckless state the following weeks. Thinking of her, finding out her major, which was music, finding ways to see her in the hallway. It was beginning to scare him how often she came in to his mind. He thought this was his chance to talk to her, but he was beginning to regret it. Play it cool, Daesung. He reminded himself.

“Ah, yeah but that was a long time ago,” Daesung said as he stretched, trying to feign nonchalance, he voice louder than necessary.

“Yeah. It was good seeing you again,” Minji said, nodding her head slightly.

“We should catch up again. We could go to a movie…or something.” Daesung tried to look cool as he leaned against the display but his actions backfired, sending supplies flying to the side as he fell over, the display not holding his weight. Minji tried to suppress a smile as Daesung stumbled before rising up to his feet and crossing his arms.

“Yeah. That’d be nice,” Minji said, a laugh floating under her voice. “I’m going to go now.”

“Yeah, okay,” Daesung said, leaning his arm on the shelf behind the display. He undershot the distance a bit, the first time his arm swiped at air.

“Before you fall again,” Minji amended, before passing Daesung in the aisle, shaking her head slightly and fighting back her laughter.

“Right. Okay. See you later. Bye.” Daesung called after her, his voice at first loud and then quieter. He began picking up the display, trying to pretend his pride hadn’t been completely crushed.


Seungri had looked everywhere for Youngbae before he ended up giving up. The last of the kimbap had been eaten a whole half an hour before he ended his search, his stomach tight and pained due to the copious amounts of food he had eaten earlier. He waited for the train headed back home frowning, wondering where Youngbae could have been. He didn’t know Youngbae’s schedule but he did know the general subjects he was taking and he tried to look everywhere he thought he’d be. He found himself thinking of Minji and cursing himself for not asking where they’d actually been. He ran over Jiyong’s words over and over that night after getting in bed. Minji was always in tune with Youngbae’s schedule. She was so in tune she knew his own, often finding him to find Youngbae.

“You guys are best friends. Of course, you’d be together.” Minji had said after Seungri’s play last week. She had come to see Youngbae actually, who had been in the audience. Her presence lingered, though. What was a simply errand (she had to tell Youngbae something important about something school related) had become her hanging out with them afterwards. In fact, most of the time Youngbae had free time Minji was with him. She was probably with him now.

He shook off the thought. It was nine o’clock at night so that seemed unlikely. If anything he was at work. A shipyard job paid more than the general store but he had worked both for a while before Seungri objected.

“You can’t even stay awake during your classes.”

“I don’t have to,” Youngbae said in a matter of fact tone. It hadn’t been a lie. Youngbae had always retained information like a sponge. He was known for never studying and earning As.

“Even so, it looks bad. I don’t want hyungs that sleep in class,” Seungri had replied.

“All your hyungs slept in class. What are you saying?” That was true too. Even so, the next day Youngbae quit the general store, promising to keep it at one job. All the big requests Seungri had, Youngbae adhered to. At least one outing a week was another one of Seungri’s conditions and the weeks he could, he did. Would he have done those things for just anyone? Seungri shook his head before closing his eyes.


“Close your eyes.”

“Where are you taking me?”

“Close them,” Seunghyun insisted, starting up his motorcycle and shoving a helmet in Jiyong’s hands.

“And close my eyes the whole way? Don’t be crazy,” Jiyong said disdainfully before putting on his helmet, his movements accentuated by using only his fingertips, as if to display how much he hated riding the back of a motorcycle. The facemask remained up and his eyes narrowed as he peered at Seunghyun before getting on.

“How foolish is this, two men on a motorcycle?” Jiyong said as he got behind Seunghyun, wrapping his hands around him. Seunghyun took a moment to enjoy Jiyong’s slim arms around his figure, his slender fingers gripping his hyung’s leather jacket.

“I know. People might actually think we’re dating,” Seunghyun said, smirking before peeling off.

Jiyong stomped out of the street and on to the sidewalk.

“Where did you learn to drive that thing?” He yelled as Seunghyun smiled coyly. He was admittedly a poor driver but part of him loved seeing Jiyong’s face grow red after the ride, which had been filled with his groans and yells as he gripped on to Seunghyun for his dear life.

He didn’t say anything before turning down the alley on the side of the restaurant. He glanced back to see Jiyong’s careful steps, placing his feet where his hyung’s had been.

“Where are we going?” the younger man whispered as if he were in hiding.

“My house,” Seunghyun said, pulling his keys out of his jacket pocket and going down a set of stairs.

“Choi Seunghyun. This is a restaurant,” Jiyong said, looking up, inspecting the alleyway. It wasn’t the dirtiest or scariest, but it was certainly dubious and he had his reservations about following Seunghyun further.

“Kwon Jiyong. This is my home.” Seunghyun turned around and spoke, mocking his companion. He wore his best poker face despite his amusement.

Jiyong followed down the stairs slowly, as Seunghyun opened the door. It was the first time he had company. The walls were poorly painted and the cabinets ramshackle and bare, one put on incorrectly. The refrigerator small, the stovetop unused, Jiyong stepped in tentatively. His heart beat loud and fast. He had never been to something so intimate, knowing how Seunghyun would hole himself in his private space. He slipped his shoes off at the door as Seunghyun began to spread his comforter and pillows on the ground. There was a small television on top of a book shelf and a coffee table sat between it and where Seunghyun slept. Two small piles of neatly stacked books sat on the kitchen counter and Jiyong inspected the end of the coffee table, an alarm clock, water glass and contact case sitting there.

Seunghyun sat on the comforter and turned on the television.

“Come here,” he ordered. Jiyong, usually one to challenge any command of his, came and sat down immediately next to Seunghyun, his hands in his jacket’s pocket.

“You better not be taking me back to your place to impress me.”

“You’re a little impressed though,” Seunghyun turned the channel away from a popular drama.

“Why would I be impressed? You live in a hole in the ground,” Jiyong tried to make it sound like his words were sincere but he heard his voice go thin, like he was lying.

“It’s my hole in the ground.” Seunghyun said, his face not giving any hint to how amused he was. He liked Jiyong thinking he had hurt his feelings.

“…Sorry,” Jiyong spoke lowly.

“I thought you wanted to see my place. I’m sorry I brought you here.” Seunghyun continued to guilt Jiyong, his voice deep and his mouth pouty.

“Hyung…I- I’m really sorry. What should I do?” Jiyong said agitated. Somehow he kept saying things wrong. Even now, he was more annoyed with himself yet his voice sounded as though Seunghyun had said something wrong.

Seunghyun smirked before turning towards Jiyong, “I guess you’ll have to make it up to me,” he spoke before kissing his junior on the cheek.

Jiyong opened his mouth in amazement, “Yah! I thought you were really hurt. You’re such a liar.”

“Jiyong, how could I lie about such a thing? My feelings are hurt and you call me a liar. Shouldn’t you be trying to soothe me?” Seunghyun said, trying his best to seem genuine.

“Oh, I’ll soothe you,” Jiyong said as he pulled Seunghyun closer by his collar, kissing him deeply before pushing him down and falling forward on top of him.


Youngbae adjusted his hat as he walked next to Seungri.

“I don’t understand why we had to go to the mall.”

“Hyung, if I spend one more day inside I’ll die.” Seungri said dramatically. The truth was he wanted to window shop more than anything but he didn’t want to relinquish time with Youngbae. He was starting to regret the decision. Youngbae’s painfully slow pace was cramping his style.

“Ah, do they have a place for earrings here?” Youngbae wondered quietly as he looked in the walkway of an accessory shop.

Seungri glanced sideways towards Youngbae, fixing his lips together, “Don’t you have enough earrings?”

“Not for me. For Minji. She would like a pair,”

Seungri winced at the mention. Minji. Minji. It was always Minji. “Why Minji? Why? Minji this. Minji that.” Seungri crossed his arms for a second as he stopped walking.

“Ah, really? Is that how I am?” Youngbae asked facetiously.

“No, not really.” Seungri decided to drop it. It wasn’t important enough to change the mood. He looked away through the windows before stopping at a shoe display. “Ah, hyung,” he called to Youngbae who had been looking down at his phone, texting someone. Seungri looked back and frowned for a second. He was probably texting Minji.

“Which ones?” Youngbae asked looking up at the display.

“All three. Aren’t they cool?” Seungri shook off his jealousy as Youngbae put away his phone.

“I turned it off.”

“What?” Seungri asked.

“Seungri, I saw your face.”

Seungri looked to the side to avoid Youngbae’s gaze.

“Well, what’s the deal with you and her anyway?”

“Seungri, Jiyong is a man. He messaged me about our lit class. And if you mean Minji…She’s my friend. Even if she wasn’t, I’m obligated to her.”

“What does that mean?”

“Don’t ask about things you don’t understand.” Youngbae said before walking away from the store front.

“I don’t have the right to know? I’m your friend too. You’re obligated to me too.” Seungri followed him, whining.

“No, I’m not. I’m not obligated to you at all.” Youngbae said, crossly. “In fact everything I do is a courtesy. It’s something I do out of the kindness of my heart. ‘Youngbae do this. Youngbae do that. Youngbae, why are you friends with her? Youngbae, don’t go with her. Go with me here. Go with me there.’ Do you understand how much I sleep? That precious time is spent with you instead. For someone who doesn’t get along with Jiyong, you act an awful lot like him.”

“Fine! Don’t, if it’s such an inconvenience!”

“That’s not what I meant. I’m just-“

“Whatever!.,,Dong Young Blah!”

Seungri turned around and began walking away as he heard Youngbae’s feet follow him.

“Seungri, I’m sorry. I just- don’t bring that up. Okay?”

“Don’t bring up what? I’m not obligated to talk to you at all.” Seungri said crossing his arms. He stopped and looked down at the lower level of the mall, staring down at the people below.

Youngbae stood next to him and nudge him with his elbow. “But you will anyway.”

Seungri refused to look at him, knowing that as soon as he did his anger would dissipate.

“Ugh, c’mon. I want a pretzel.” Seungri said, walking away, Youngbae smiling smugly behind him.

daesung, fanfic, big bang, fluff, g-top, seungri, taeyang, minji, chaptered, top, baeri, g-dragon

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