a cry for attention.

Feb 04, 2012 13:54

Fandom: Big Bang
Genre: Smut
Rating: M/NC-17
Summary: Smut. Verbose smut.             
[A/N]: This is more similar to my real writing style but still really lazy work as usual. I started writing a book so, that explains my absence but hey, who cares, right? Anyway, this is a little thing out of the five things I wrote that I wanted to post.
            Youngbae stood at Jiyong’s door drenched from head to toe, his cap soaked everywhere but the underside of its bill and his coat and the hoodie he donned underneath pressed against his frame, heavy with rain.

“You need to go home and go to bed.” Jiyong said as he opened the door but he stepped aside anyway, letting him through. He sighed, exasperated, as the shorter but more muscular man made surprisingly graceful steps across the threshold. He smelled like sweat and cologne, like he’d just gone for a jog, the wet atmosphere of the outdoors still lingering on him. The presence of a citrus scent and something else stuck on him too, but Jiyong didn’t have time to play detective with his nose before Youngbae had passed him.

“I can’t sleep.” Youngbae kicked his shoes off before peeling the socks that stuck to his feet off and laying them across his shoes.

“Have you ever heard of warm milk?”

“No.” Youngbae answered back simply, disrobing his outer layers and hanging them on hangers. He set them on the back of a bar stool at the kitchen counter that was fashioned like a chair. Everything looked like Ikea furniture at Seungri and Jiyong’s but it was obvious it had a higher price tag at the same time, different from his bedroom. Its quaint flower wallpaper, aged ornate dresser, and flannel comforter was a testament to his personality. Its presence proved his complacency and habitual lack of change. The contrast was everything that they were, hip versus outdated, new versus old, ever changing versus always the same.

Jiyong was waiting for Youngbae to turn around and stare at him; bringing the focus to the person he was visiting. He wanted to get it over with so Youngbae could get whatever was on his chest off of it and leave. He figured his best friend would pick up on the mood and go.

Youngbae was his other half in a way, the one person who understood him best. So, Jiyong assumed by the way that he nonchalantly sat down and turned on the television that he was just ignoring the fact that Jiyong was obviously not in the mood for company. Hopefully, he wasn’t completely oblivious because Jiyong wasn’t in the mood to pull any punches if an argument occurred.

“Were you sleeping?” Youngbae said, settling in on the couch.

“No,” Jiyong answered groggily, sitting at a bar stool at his counter.

“Moping? Missing your girlfriend?”

“Shut up, Youngbae.”

Youngbae smiled. “You know who you should date?”

“Who?” Jiyong asked, forgetting that he was supposed to be giving Youngbae a somewhat cold shoulder.

“Someone that isn’t crazy.”

Jiyong didn’t answer. He could feel the dull sting of a scratch on his back from the last bout of hate sex he had had. The small cuts on his fingers came from angrily cleaning up broken shards of glass all over his home. He still had a bruise on his chest from where her fist had hit him. “Nappeun nom,” she had said. Yeah, that was him, a bad guy, a bastard, but she was worse. He couldn’t really negate what Youngbae had said. She was insane.

“Yeah, well. I don’t regret it.”

“Of course not. Then you’d have to have been wrong about her.”

“What do you mean wrong about her?” Jiyong felt a faint insincere smile creep across his face, as if trying to understand a joke no one had told yet. He was trying to keep his calm. Youngbae’s indirect scolding for every thing was getting a little old, positively ancient actually. He used to think it was jealousy. Youngbae’s nights had always been empty and lonely. What was once a habit of being awkward around women was replaced by a tendency to keep things simple but really how hard could getting laid be? Could he really be bitter about something so easily solved? Jiyong had asked himself the question many times, always coming to the conclusion that Youngbae’s subtle underhanded comments about his love life must be caused by something else, maybe arrogance, or some religious piety he had never explained (What happens between Jesus and Youngbae stays between Jesus and Youngbae).

“I mean, not all of them are the one. Some of them aren’t worth while.”

Youngbae hadn’t looked at him once and it was starting to piss Jiyong off. He had come in and acted as if he was in his own home but he wasn’t. Maybe his roommate Daesung was tickled by negative and tense conversation but Jiyong was not and Youngbae knew that. Not only that but he really wasn’t in the mood. Things had never gone this way exactly, for Youngbae to start subtly scolding him so soon after a break up, or come over so late at night, knowing his friend would be at his worst. That’s when he pieced it together, smelling a small hint of liquor and oranges coming from him as he came to sit on the couch with Youngbae. The uncharacteristically disheveled appearance of his friend made more sense, as well as the fact he had immediately found a seat when he walked in, avoiding prolonged standing.

“Are you drunk?”

“Not so much anymore.” Youngbae said in a matter of fact tone.

“Where were you?”

“A club.” Youngbae said. He frowned a bit, remembering how uncomfortable the whole scene had been. He always came and went alone. You’d think it would get old, especially since he forced himself to go in the first place.

“A club?” Jiyong repeated, laughing, “Without me! Why? I would’ve loved to see you at a club, drinking.” He always thought of Youngbae as an awkward drunk, a killjoy. The couple times Youngbae actually did drink he had lived up to the opinion, one of the reasons everyone encouraged his personal choice to maintain sobriety. Him talking to women who didn’t want to talk to him, accosting the bartender, and dancing with his huge motions in tight spaces would have actually been something to see if it didn’t come with the embarrassment of having to be there with him.

“Don’t be an asshole.” Youngbae said before laying his hand across his stomach, his body in full repose. He wasn’t going anywhere soon, Jiyong could see that but it was starting not to matter, he had the upper hand now. He could get used to the company. “I can tell you’re even thinking like an jerk.”

“I’m not. I just said that I wish I had gone.”

“You don’t.”

“How did you know?” On one hand, Jiyong liked the awkward and offensive banter. The way they could insult each other without actually doing it. On the other hand, he only truly appreciated it when he was doing the insulting… as long as he kept the focus off of his love life.

“Do you have a cigarette?”

“Not for you. What are you doing? Are you just being destructive on purpose?” Jiyong settled in to the corner of the couch, ignoring the urge to snatch the remote and turn the television off, its noise annoying him as Youngbae settled on a channel.

“A cry for attention, I would think,” Youngbae sighed. He shifted forward, his elbows on his knees as he studied the sports review on the screen. Nightly news, fantastic, definitely what Jiyong wanted to watch.

“For  who?”

Youngbae shrugged slightly before laying the remote on the coffee table. He felt restless, like he couldn’t get comfortable in his spot but he didn’t feel like moving either. He looked over and studied Jiyong. As always his eye fell on his slim neck first and moved up to his lips, then his cat like eyes, which stared absentmindedly at the floor. He shook off the thought but another replaced it, an identical one and then another. Collarbones, slim arms, the delicacies of every sinewy detail, became magnified, things he had drunk to forget for once and for all.

“Girls don’t gravitate towards dysfunctional, Youngbae.” Jiyong put his hands in his hoodie after zipping it up.

“I don’t need a girl.” Maybe he did though. Maybe if he could just be with a woman again, he wouldn’t have it so hard up for his best friend. He really shouldn’t have come here. He shouldn’t have thought about coming here. Not after he had been drinking, his mood irate and his thoughts disorganized, but the crush he had been nursing for years was one he couldn’t resist to foster with some kind of contact with Jiyong.

“I’m pretty sure you do. How long has it been? A year?” Youngbae could feel Jiyong’s stare. He didn’t have to look to know what bemused expression was on his face, taunting him. It had been two, actually. Two confusing years of remembering all the details of his first, true love’s body. Her supple skin, her sensual lips against every part of him before her hips began grinding against his, teaching him everything through some strange unsaid lesson that had become muddled with the imagination of sex with other women and then other women became Jiyong. He had stopped being able to tell what he was or how he felt about anyone.

“And in that year how many women have you slept with?” Youngbae couldn’t help but let a slight smile come across his face, proud at his witty turn in their mental game of chess. The number was relatively high for sure.

“Shut up, Youngbae.” Jiyong conceded, folding his arms across his chest. He wasn’t proud of it but hell, being broken hearted did get boring. He only knew how to nurse his break ups with women by sleeping with more women- well, that and writing songs- but mostly just sleeping with women. In fact, this was the first break up he hadn’t sought out refuge in a women’s arms but instead wallowed silently in the pain and even that was getting a little to trite for him. He knew Youngbae frowned upon it but it was just because he didn’t understand it. It didn’t make any of his heartbreak less meaningful than Youngbae’s, maybe even more so with all of the intricacies and layers he had to deal with when moving on to another woman after being with the same one for so long. Youngbae only knew black and white. If you’re sad you stay sad, if you’re happy you stay happy. The overall conundrum of bitter sweet was over his head. He was so busy moping he had never really let go and done anything actually beneficial to his overall outlook on life or his libido, and sex definitely helped with both, no matter what you’re trying to get over. “Since you see me do it so much, haven’t you ever felt like you were missing something?”

Youngbae sighed. “I want something meaningful.”

“Meaningful… Sex is meaningful to me. It’s more than just random fucking. Don’t be so obtuse.” Jiyong spoke as if he was an art collector or a critic, his sing-songy tone of indifference conveyed how impersonal it was, despite his “artistic” approach to promiscuity. That’s what always turned Youngbae off about Jiyong’s way of doing things, no matter how “obtuse” Jiyong thought his best friend was being.

“All those girls mean something to you?”

“The act does. It’s more than just flopping around. It’s a delicate dance, an-“

“Just shut up,” Youngbae sighed, “Don’t you ever shut up?”

Jiyong immediately felt an anger wash over him that provoked silent rage, his breathing faster, his pulse throbbing in his head as his thoughts raced around the problem of deciding whether it was Youngbae’s audacity to tell him to shut up or the overall rudeness, or even yet, the disrespect towards his outlook that pissed him off the most.

“Fuck you, Youngbae,” Jiyong spoke finally in a harsh but quiet voice that made Youngbae cringe as he closed his eyes, regretting his words. He had let his frustrations, mostly his sexual ones get the best of him and he was remorseful for it.

“I’m sorry.”

“No. You should leave.” Jiyong stood up as he stared at Youngbae, his eyes like daggers, “You come in here without looking me once in the eye and actually asking to be here and you tell me to shut up in my own place. What kind of friend are you?”


“I have a point, Youngbae. Just because you’ve never decided to be man enough about fixing your lonely celibate life doesn’t mean everyone else has to be as socially inept and awkward.”

“Jiyong-“ Youngbae said looking up, and directly at Jiyong for the first time.

“I don’t need this from you. You’re supposed to be there for me. I’m tired of always having to support you when I need support too. Scolding me isn’t always helping me. Sometimes, it’s just you being jealous! Being a terrible friend! To be honest I’d do better off without you most of the time.” Jiyong was too angry to immediately take the last part back but more than anything he wanted to. He could see the hurt in Youngbae’s eyes and he was hoping that the simple qualifier, that it was “most of the time” instead of all of the time made it better, but he knew it didn’t. He looked away staring at the floor before his gaze rested back on Youngbae who rose from the couch and grabbed his arm angrily.

“I am! I am jealous! Not of you. I’m jealous of all those girls that touch you and kiss you and hear words I’ll never hear and they don’t mean nearly as much to you as me. So of course, why wouldn’t I be jealous?”

Jiyong snatched his arm back, “That’s stupid Youngbae! There’s no reason to feel jealous of them for things like that. It’s two different types of relationships. You don’t even like me the way-“ Jiyong comprehended Youngbae’s statement slowly before it slowed his words to a stop.

“Jiyong, I can’t be a friend like this to you anymore.” Youngbae said. He didn’t want to take a step forward toward Jiyong or take a step away. He didn’t want to leave but he didn’t want to stay for the awkward fall out either.  Jiyong just looked to the side, placing pieces together, remembering lingering touches and intimate exchanges between the two.

“So…You’re gay?” Jiyong asked. It didn’t come with the drip of disdain that Youngbae had expected and he felt a little sigh of relief just at the simple fact Jiyong wasn’t running out of the room. What didn’t relieve him was the intense gaze of his friend whose face gave up no hints of how he actually felt.

“No,” Youngbae hesitated, “Not generally. You’re an exception.”

Jiyong didn’t understand it but he wasn’t a stranger to the concept of a man liking a man. He’d never done it completely but he had been in a couple uncomfortable situations, mostly involving blindfolds and group sex. It was ironic, things he had done with men and women that he would never share with Youngbae, for fear that his piousness would condemn him and yet here he was, hearing the love confession of that same judgmental choirboy. The more he thought about it, the more humorous it was and he found himself watching a nervous Youngbae and smiling, then full on laughing, a full two minutes filled with Jiyong’s mirth, which both filled Youngbae with anxiety and set him at ease as well.

“I don’t understand.” Youngbae finally said, worried the joke was on him.

“I don’t care if you like a guy.” Jiyong sat down on the couch, instantly relieved of all his anger. “You probably shouldn’t like me but you’ll get over it.”

“Not really, Jiyong but I understand,” Youngbae suddenly felt embarrassed, aware his crush had been laughable, something like a schoolgirl’s. He immediately wanted to leave, to get away from Jiyong. He knew eventually the awkwardness would pass but not right away and in the meanwhile, he’d have to nurse his pride back to health, because at the moment he felt so, so small. “I’m going,” he said quietly. He took a step forward before feeling Jiyong’s hand catch his as he passed.

“Don’t leave like that, Youngbae.” Jiyong looked up at his best friend, his eyes the biggest Youngbae had seen them. “I’m sorry I laughed. It’s not funny that you like me. That’s not why-“

“I didn’t think it was. I’m just leaving because-“

“Why? What reason could you possibly have for leaving?” Jiyong said. He was stroking a light circle with his thumb in Youngbae’s palm.

“I just told you I liked you, Jiyong.”

“I don’t know about liking you back but… I am sorry to you, for your loneliness. You should’ve told me earlier.”

“Why, Jiyong?” Youngbae shook his head. “ I shouldn’t have told you at all really.” Youngbae looked away towards the kitchen, to avoid Jiyong’s stare and keep his mind from thinking of the pattern Jiyong stroked into his palm.

“Do you want to stay lonely?” Jiyong said, looking up as he shifted forward a bit, the space between them closing in, Youngbae standing directly in front of him. It wasn’t fair. He knew he was preying on Youngbae’s feelings, messing with him but that was in his nature, especially with his last relationship leaving his mangled sense of control barely intact. He didn’t know that he could ever feel motivated towards a man that way but some core part of him wanted to seize any opportunity for some kind of physical distraction that came up and he didn’t know if he could pass it up.

“Jiyong, I’m not one of those girls.” Youngbae immediately felt a little disgusted about how easily Jiyong could shift gears but it didn’t stop him from feeling a slight build up in his pulse as Jiyong held onto his hand tighter. “I think I love you.”

“And I love you,” Jiyong found the words easy to say, probably because they weren’t exactly a lie. He did love Youngbae. He loved him for all of his obstinacy, shyness, and more than anything, his crazy sense of humor. He was serving his own selfish needs but there was still this small part of him that just wanted Youngbae to stop being so damn miserable, or even just sleep a full night’s rest. He couldn’t help but think this could help them both. He put his hands on Youngbae’s belt before feeling his hand get swatted away.

“Stop it Jiyong.” Youngbae said one thing but did another. He hadn’t pulled his other hand away nor had he stepped back and Jiyong took a deep breath before committing to his cause, noticing the hardening bulge underneath Youngbae’s zipper and stroking it slowly.

“You don’t have to be alone tonight, Youngbae.” Jiyong said lowly before undoing Youngbae’s belt with both of his hands, his mouth slightly opened.

“Jiyong, don’t do this to me.” He said the words but brought his hands up to Jiyong’s head as he said it, one delicately running through the slight man’s hair and the other stroking his jaw softly. Jiyong could feel Youngbae’s hands tremble and he knew how badly he was wanted, the knowledge sending a shiver up his spine and exciting him, his mouth becoming wet with anticipation.

He had done this before, but he was hoping his skill at it wouldn’t make Youngbae think too hard and turn him off. He really needed the look in his eyes. Youngbae’s hungry desire and yearning as he stared down at Jiyong was more than enough to feel actually…happy and he didn’t want that to go away. He wanted more of it. The mutual hunger for each other had started to grow, surprising Jiyong as he stroked Youngbae harder through his jeans, a hint of wetness still left over from the rain. Their silence had become an aphrodisiac of sorts, the heavy breathing and sound of friction between  Youngbae’s denim and Jiyong’s slight hands, a highlight to the subtle shocks of pleasure pulsing through Youngbae.

“Please,” Youngbae said under his breath before reaching down and unzipping his pants. He placed one hand on the back of Jiyong’s neck as he pulled himself out of his pants, his tongue flicking out over his lips, his lungs inhaling deeply. “Please, Jiyong.”

Jiyong didn’t break the gaze of his eyes as he looked up at Youngbae, the way his tank hung over his strong frame, his eyes dark and intense as they stared down at him. He opened his mouth, allowing Youngbae to slide inside of it himself. He felt a sense of accomplishment as Youngbae’s mouth hung agape, the pleasure washing over him, causing him to sigh with pleasure. Jiyong focused on Youngbae’s head as he grabbed his shaft, rhythmically pumping as he met his fist with his head’s own bobbing movements. He let his mouth become wetter, feeling spit drip down his chin as he sucked and released Youngbae, allowing a loud popping sound to ring out.

The sound made Youngbae self-aware. “Seungri-“

“He isn’t here.” Jiyong wiped his chin off with his index finger.

“Oh,” Youngbae said quietly, awkwardness settling around them. He filled his cheeks up with air before letting it go, like a balloon deflating.

Jiyong smiled, biting his lip. “You’re so weird, Youngbae.” He started to stroke Youngbae faster before bringing his mouth back to his throbbing cock. He moved his hand, taking all of the older man in his mouth, expecting him to thrust forward but instead Youngbae withdrew after moaning quietly.

“I don’t break, Youngbae,” Jiyong said, a laugh under his voice but Youngbae didn’t respond as Jiyong resumed stroking him and licking his head, flicking his tongue.

“Fuck my mouth,” Jiyong stopped to say. He had this desperate need to awaken something primal in Youngbae, to break him of this stupid habit of holding back. He didn’t want Youngbae to hold back right now. He wanted to, for all intents and purposes, fuck and all the other rough shit came with that, to word it as vulgar possible, which was the way he wanted to word it. Youngbae always thought his feelings needed to be soft and sweet, verbose and romantic. You make love, you don’t just have sex according to him but that was all bullshit. In Jiyong’s experience, sometimes nothing had said I love you like fucking a girl’s mouth one good time.

“Jiyong-“ Youngbae’s brows came together in exasperation. It wasn’t what he wanted to do but it did sound nice and he felt torn.

“Come on, Youngbae. I want it bad. Down my throat.” Jiyong opened his mouth wider and Youngbae slid in slowly. He closed his eyes as the sound of his cock hitting Jiyong’s throat sounded out, giving him some sick satisfaction he wasn’t exactly comfortable with. The feeling of Jiyong swallowing all of him was the best feeling in the world. He moaned as he slowly increased speed. Soon he closed his eyes, concentrating on the feeling. His moans started running together like a melodic hum and Jiyong returned it with his own slurps and sighs, a gagging punctuation at the end of every thrust. He grunted, speeding up even more as he came in Jiyong’s mouth before being pushed back, Jiyong’s eyes rimmed with tears.

Youngbae looked down at him biting his lip. “Come here,” he said softly, his voice a contrast to his hard thrusts a second earlier, as if an apology. Jiyong obeyed, aroused by Youngbae’s unleashed power, his ability to take the lead. Youngbae unzipped Jiyong’s hoodie, revealing a wife beater that he quickly guided Jiyong to take off. He began loosening the tie on the thinner man’s sweat pants as he stepped closer, placing wet kisses on his defined collarbones, something he’d wanted to do for a long time. He savored the taste of his skin, the softness of it under his tongue as he licked the defined ripple of his clavicle, before trailing kisses up his neck, sucking his earlobe gently as his hand found Jiyong’s teased member, throbbing and erect, surprisingly veiny, like his own. He jerked upward and roughly, catching on to Jiyong’s preferred methods.

“Youngbae,” Jiyong moaned before grabbing Youngbae’s arm and guiding him to stop so he could pull off his sweatpants, becoming completely naked in front of him. Youngbae pushed his shoulders gently, guiding him down to the couch before kissing his way from his shoulders and down his chest, jerking his own member as he licked the subtle ripples of his soft stomach, reaching Jiyong’s manhood. Jiyong ran a hand over Youngbae’s shaved head as Youngbae began to stroke both of them in tandem.

Youngbae slowly brought his lips around Jiyong. It was a different part of him, a saltier taste then the rest of his skin as he slurped up the taste of his pre-cum. Jiyong sucked in air as his hand pressed down on Youngbae’s head, encouraging him to take all of him in his mouth. He began to get the hang of bobbing his head up and down, remembering to writhe his tongue along the underside of the shaft as Jiyong had done earlier. He expected Jiyong to jerk upward and overtake him but he didn’t. He could feel small beads of water well in his eyes from his own swift movements, making sure he took in all of Jiyong.  A high moan escaped Jiyong’s mouth before he ran his hand over Youngbae’s hand, softly rubbing it as if a reward for the good work. He grabbed an arm Youngbae leaned on, causing him to shift his support to just one as he continued to diligently thump Jiyong’s cock against his tongue, causing the slight man to let out a low whimper.

“Youngbae, you should fuck me.”

Youngbae looked up, his lips right in front of Jiyong’s trembling cock. Jiyong brought Youngbae’s fingers to his mouth, sucking them, wetting them with spit before shyly looking away. Youngbae knew what Jiyong wanted him to do but he felt hesitant. The blushing and bashful man in front of him definitely wasn’t the same one who encouraged him earlier but nervous and unsteady.

“It’ll hurt at first but it’ll feel good by the end,” Youngbae reassured Jiyong, rimming the man’s entrance with his finger.  They both knew neither one of them had gone this far with another man but it’s what Youngbae had been told a girl’s first experience was like so… maybe this was the same way? Jiyong, took solace in the words, even though he knew they were simply to comfort him. He focused on the feeling of Youngbae’s finger slowly pressing inside of him. It was uncomfortable, but not entirely unpleasant and as he sped up he started to enjoy the pressure inside of him as Youngbae stroked him with the other hand, laying sloppy kisses on the tip of his cock before brushing his tongue downward. He let his tongue lay heavy lashes against his balls as he pressed in a second finger, thrusting harder and faster until Jiyong moaned out, “Just do it Youngbae.”

Youngbae lifted up onto his knees, guiding Jiyong to turn around. He wasn’t sure where to put his feet as Jiyong leaned over the back of the couch but he found a steady balance, taking his foot out one leg of his fallen jeans and putting it on the couch beside the trembling man. Jiyong bit his lip before becoming impatient. “Youngbae, please, just do it.”

Youngbae spat into his hand, wetting Jiyong’s entrance before pressing inside of him, causing him to whimper.

“You okay?” Youngbae whispered into Jiyong’s ear as he leaned over his smooth back and gripped his hips, leaning into him.

“Yes,” Jiyong’s voice was low. “Just fuck me.”

Youngbae stood upright again, keeping his strokes slow and even, the sensation of Jiyong around him was tight and pleasurable, causing him to moan with pleasure. “Faster,” Jiyong whimpered. He wanted more pain, the intimacy between them building up to something bigger than he had expected. The waves of pleasure shooting up his spine at the end of the thrusts of dull pain, causing his toes to curl, they awakened a meaning to this that it wasn’t supposed to have and he found himself craving more of Youngbae, more of Youngbae’s touch, more of Youngbae’s voice in his ear and it was slowly scaring him.

“No,” Youngbae leaned over and whispered again.

Jiyong pressed back into him, lifting up to feel Youngbae’s chest against him as Youngbae ran his hands up Jiyong’s chest, running his fingertips against his ribcage.


“I love you so much.” Youngbae continued to press into him deeper and slower, grinding into him as Jiyong pumped his own member.

“Then fuck me harder.”

Youngbae ignored the command, instead placing sweet and small kisses on his shoulder, grabbing it with his opposite hand, the security of his strong arm wrapped around Jiyong, his other hand taking over for Jiyong’s, slowly and tightly stroking him, leading him to a climax, a sensual balancing act Jiyong didn’t know Youngbae was capable of. He closed his eyes tightly before he realized he had been moaning loudly, calling Youngbae’s name and as he came he focused on the comparison the warmth of his load hitting his stomach held to Youngbae’s warm and messy kisses along his neck. Youngbae withdrew slowly, giving him a soft peck on the shoulder blade.

“What about you?” Jiyong asked, barely audible. Youngbae hadn’t exactly finished, pulling out before he had cum.

“What about me?” Youngbae asked, pulling up his jeans. He couldn’t help but feel naïve as his mind craved for a shower, feeling sweaty and dirty. Jiyong didn’t elaborate, but instead slowly found his sweat pants, shell shocked by the fact he just had sex with his best friend.

“So what now?” Jiyong said slowly, tightening his drawstring.

“What do you mean, what now?” Youngbae said. He didn’t want to create strings where there weren’t any. He knew how Jiyong operated. He had joined the ranks of all the other one-night stands that helped him get over an ex-girlfriend. He didn’t want to get sentimental and ruin a piece of him he’d have forever, which was having him as a best friend.

“I mean…After we just made love,” Jiyong said the phrase like it was a cuss word. “What do we do now?”

“Oh. I thought we were just fucking,” Youngbae couldn’t help but rub it in Jiyong’s face a little as he strode over, biting his lip, a mischievous smile on his face.

“Do not be an asshole about this,” Jiyong pouted, pulling Youngbae in for a kiss.

taeyang, gdyb, gd, fanfic, smut, big bang

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