Day TWENTY-NINE is saved, thanks to ME

Mar 30, 2010 22:41

Liet. I don't wanna bother you, but can you bring me some coffee? I...I've got a killer headache. I'm kind of on the beach, you know where that is, right? Need to you about something, too.

WOAH anyone else noticed the giant rabbits running around?! They're fuckin' humongous!! Oh hey, one's coming over!!

[Text Added Later]

You know, I'll never understand how anyone could not like burgers! Think I pissed the rabbit off, but whatever! It just doesn't have good taste in food!

Alice...Alice, I think I owe you a burger and a hug, what do you say? Once I get home, we'll...we're like a family, right?

[Private to Vietnam]

We need to talk. Now.


all my friends were gone, brain break, giant rabbits, coffee plzkthx, burgers from hammerspace, no more punishment, liet, alice, vietnam

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