Can I blame my lack of productivity on getting used to Daylight Saving Time? Well, I'm going to anyway. I need to change my usericon to say "NaNoWriMo Failure" instead of "Participant." Not one single word yet. ARGH.
In my own defense, I've been headachey, lethargic, and tired for two straight days. I know, CRY MOAR. I'll be all right by tomorrow, but then I won't get anything done tomorrow, because it's election night and I'll be glued to the and computer. Crap.
I'm also a bit down today because I read two very sad things:
Obama's Grandmother Dies After Battle with Cancer (speaking of the election)
Aww. Tomorrow will be a really bittersweet day for him, no matter what the outcome, I'm sure.
Forrest J. Ackerman is Slipping Away I LOVE FORRY. So does anybody who knows about old horror films, and snuck peeks at their dad's copies of Famous Monsters of Filmland before they were old enough to understand what they were. My step-dad just found one he still had, last year or so, and we squeed over it. I'm going to write to that address AICN listed; even if Forry can't read it himself, it'll be fun to send a letter to somebody I have admired for a long time. He is the ultimate, and the first (I would argue) fanboy. :(
Today was a very, very long day. It's always like that the first few days after Daylight Saving Time. Luckily, I have a three-day work week this week. I'm taking Thursday and Friday off because I have ridiculous amounts of comp time, due to all the extra hours I've been working recently. Anyway, I'm going to drive home Wednesday night after work and stay Weds. and Thurs. night, and bring Cooley the Wonder Dog back with me Friday morning. He's my mom's new Chihuahua. They are going to Arizona this week, so I get to puppy-sit. He is staying for a whole week, and I might not give him back. :D
I am dead tired and headachey, but I think it will go away by tomorrow. Maybe I'll get some stuff done on the days off, because God knows I'll get NOTHING done tomorrow--I'll be glued to the TV all night and on here. Expect many, many posts and Twitters tomorrow. I'm glad I already voted, so I don't have to stand in line. I think I'm going to have to be at work by myself most of the day, because Leslie is working the polls and nobody else did early voting.