The Old Ones (Buffy/X-Files)

Dec 18, 2010 15:34

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

The Bronze,
10:00 p.m.

Mulder sat in his car, across the street from the club. Scully was performing the autopsy on last night's victim. He was waiting to take another crack at Buffy. Then he saw a large group exit the club, Buffy, Giles, Xander, Willow, and Martin. All my eggs in one basket. he thought.

Mulder had been mulling his theory over and over, and was even more sure than ever. His spookiness had kicked into high gear on this case.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer... he had said, as a joke. It was almost as if there's something genetically different about her. Martin's e-mail had said. In LA there had been several vampire like murders until Buffy burned down the gym, then the murders started up here shortly before she arrived, she and Giles had arrived within days of each other.

Buffy was somehow genetically bred with genes specific to having the skill, speed and strength to kill vampires. She had been born to kill Vampires and Giles was there to guide her. There had been others before her, that was who had saved Martin when he was four years old. The girl he was chasing last night was Buffy and she had not killed that man in the park, she had killed the vampire that had done it. Martin had said that the vampires had disintegrated after being killed. And if the girl's secret ever got out, she and everyone she cared about would be in mortal danger.

Mulder stepped out of the car, he'd decided on the best way of gaining her trust. "Buffy!" As soon as she turned, Mulder shouted; "Your secret's safe with me!"

Buffy was astounded. Was Mulder really that deductive? Had he actually figured it out? She guessed so. The only thing left to decide was whether or not to trust him. She, Martin, Xander, Willow and Giles walked up to Mulder, he couldn't help but wonder if they were about to attack him.

"Um, hi Agent Mulder." Martin said.

"What did you mean," Giles said, "Your secret's safe with me?"

"I meant that the secret of Buffy's powers, and destiny are safe with me." Mulder said.

"He's figured it out," Willow said with some amazement, "Giles you may as well tell him the whole story."

Giles sighed in resignation. "The way these past two nights have gone I might as well call a press conference. Very well, Agent Mulder, Buffy is a Slayer, a girl born once every generation with the power to fight the vampires. I am a Watcher, it is my job to train and guide the Slayer. Does that about cover it?"

"That will do." Mulder said, smiling, then the smile faded. He wondered why, after so many unsolved murders like this, the FBI hadn't been called in sooner. In fact, Skinner had had to fight to get this investigation going. It reminded him of dealing with the Consortium. Mulder's spookiness cut in once more.

The coroner had not been available till the sun went down, there had been no autopsies done on the previous victims, and what usually happened to victims of Vampire attacks?

"Oh god," Mulder said suddenly, startling Buffy and the others, "Scully!" Mulder took off towards his car.

"Um, you guys go home." Buffy said, and took off after Mulder.

"Never a dull moment." Martin muttered.

Mulder reached his car and got in. He was about to leave when Buffy got in beside him. Mulder opened his mouth to protest.

"Don't start." Buffy said. "You're going off to fight Vampires, and that's my job. And I don't mind saying I'm a lot better qualified than you."

"I withdraw my protest." Mulder said and started the car.


Sunnydale Funeral Home

Scully was relieved when she found the body still here. After finding the coffins of every victim empty, she'd begun to feel almost as paranoid as Mulder. Maybe now she could get to the bottom of this.

She snapped on the latex gloves and began recording. "Subject is Caucasian male, weighing approximately 200 pounds. He has been identified as 19 year old Philip Morris. Preliminary examination suggests cause of death to be massive blood loss due to penetration of the jugular vein. Lack of blood found at the scene suggests the use of a suction device of some ki-"

Scully broke off as she felt a hand close over her wrist. She stood stock still for a moment, telling herself that the corpse had not just grabbed her. Then she turned, and found that she was a liar. The corpse that had just grabbed her, was in the process of sitting up. The face of the corpse was now deformed, it's teeth were fangs, and it's eyes were sunken while it's brow bones jutted from it's forehead. The corpse looked around in confusion, as if disoriented. Then it's eyes fixed on her. It let out a yell and dropped her hand.

Scully backed away, not noticing that the newly revived dead boy was just as afraid as she was. Scully heard the door open behind her. She whirled to find a similarly deformed coroner entering the room.

The coroner ignored her, his eyes focused on Philip. Almost absent mindedly he twisted the door handle so it would not open from either side.

"What the hell happened to me?" Philip screamed. "Why am in the funeral home?"

"Now Philip calm down." the coroner said. "You've just been through a traumatic experience, but I promise you, everything will be okay if you listen to me, and trust me. Do you understand?"

"Yeah." Philip said. "I understand."

"Good, now," the Coroner said, indicating Scully, "I'd like you to meet Agent Dana Scully, from the FBI. Now, Scully, young Philip is suffering from a complete loss of blood. But we're going to help him. We're going to do special type of transfusion. Philip, welcome to Vampirism 101."

Scully made a break for the door, but try as she might, she could not budge it. The coroner grabbed her from behind, dragging her towards Philip. He held her arms with one hand, and her hair in his other, exposing her jugular.

"Now Philip," he said, "It's very simple, just bite her jugular, that big vein you see there, form an airtight seal around the bite, and simply swallow what comes."

"But," Philip said, "But that will kill her."

"Philip," Scully said, "There are other ways of getting blood. Ways that won't hurt people."

"Don't listen to her!" the coroner snapped. "She doesn't know what she's talking about! She's mortal! Listen to me Philip, trust me. I'm like you."

Philip stood for a moment, indecisive, and then bent his head towards Scully's neck. "Good boy Philip." the coroner said.

"Scully!" Mulder's shout echoed through the room, Mulder was just outside, trying to open the door.

"Here," Buffy said, "Let me." With one swift kick, the door flew open, and Mulder and Buffy ran in.

The coroner threw Scully at Mulder, knocking them both to the ground. Buffy leaped at him, but he picked the examination table up and smashed it against her.

Buffy lost her hold on her stake and saw a long fingered hand pick it up. She got to her feet, ready to fight, but the new Vampire held it before him, looking from it, to her. Then he turned towards the coroner.

"You're like me." he said, and looked back at Buffy. Buffy tensed, and the coroner smiled. Philip raised the stake and plunged it...into the heart of the coroner. The coroner had just enough time to look amazed before he turned to dust. "But I'm not like you." Philip finished. He looked sadly at Buffy and Mulder and Scully who were just getting to their feet. "And I never will be." With that, he stabbed himself through the heart, and vanished.

Buffy stood, silently, staring in amazed, and shocked awe at the spot where Philip had been standing. She hadn't known Philip Morris, but now she wished she had.



Flight 451
En route from California to Texas
Thursday, April 10
6:00 a.m.

Mulder sat on the plane, silently contemplating the events of the past few days. This case had been strange from day one right to the end. The day after the incident in the lab, they'd been taken off the case. Scully had not once spoken of the events, but Mulder knew that eventually they would have to. They would have to tell Skinner for one thing. The fact that they had declared the murders unsolved would not make him happy at all.


Sunnydale High School
11:45 p.m.

"You want to do what?" Xander asked incredulously.

"I want to form a horror club." Martin said. The two of them were eating lunch on the quad, Willow and Buffy had not yet joined them.

"Why?" Xander asked. "I mean, what horror movie could compare to real life in this town?"

"Well actually, as sort of a decoy. I mean let's say for instance, someone finds out that there is a slayer. Where are they gonna look first, at some girl named Buffy? Or at a bunch of weirdoes who obsess with the horror genre in general, and the occult in particular."

"You are one weird guy, you know that?"


Somewhere beneath Sunnydale
Friday, April 11
12:00 a.m.

The Master stood, facing his minion on the other side of the barrier that kept him trapped. "That was too close." he said. "If humans were to discover the truth about vampires, we would have hunters coming out our asses. I want them taken care of. One way or the other, they must not come back here to continue their investigation."

"Trust me." the man said coolly, taking a puff from his cigarette. "Mulder and Scully will not be coming back here."

The End

the old ones, buffy, x-files

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